Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Big T-R-O-U-B-L-E

It just hit me last night. We’re in big trouble. Forget about all the domestic stuff. Ronald Reagan proved that stuff can be turned around in an eight year run. We are in trouble because we’ve lost the bubble on the war on terror.

Point one: Europe is turning Muslim. Sheer numbers will have their way on the continent unless governments begin deportation – good luck clearing the slums in Paris. And let’s face it, Fritz and Pierre have become used to Mohammad doing all the dirty work just like John has gotten used to Jose doing all the dirty work here. Or European governments can begin to pay for children with huge and I mean huge tax incentives. Taxes in Europe have made it seem unwise for mom and dad, who both work to maintain a standard of living, to bring 4-5 kids into their 2 room apartment.

Couples can justify this by using the dog in the apartment analogy. How many times have you heard that it’s not fair to the dog to be raised in an apartment when nobody is home all day? Well if it’s not fair to a dog, it’s probably not fair to a child.

So taxes, all taxes child related, need to be cut in half for parents raising children when one parent foregoes work to stay at home. My 20th century sensibilities nearly had me say “stay at home mom.” But let’s face it, 98% of moms are better at kids than 99% of dads. Kids want to see Barney in the morning not the endless 20 minute Sports Center or cable news loop.

Point two: No one has the courage to condemn Muslims. Yeah Muslims. Not just “radical Muslims” but Muslims. If the so called “good Muslims” wanted to put a stop the bovine excrement that the radical Muslims are spreading they could do it. They don’t. They offer only a whisper in protest when innocents are slaughtered in their name and even the protest is couched in relativism. Sure, it’s a shame Mohammad blew up the pizza place and killed 20 innocent children, but Mohammad is poor and the children were from rich families. BULL$H!T.

If the Dear Leader is going to talk about a “Muslim world,” then he ought to condemn the Muslim world for the barbaric 7th century nature and mind-set of that “world.” It ain’t going to happen because…

Point three: The Muslim world cannot be criticized. The Liberal Dear Leader goes to Cairo and ironically praises a people who:
Hate Christians
Hate Jews
Hate homosexuals
Hate (or least treat as second class citizens) women
Hate music
Hate art

In short the Dear Leader from the party of tolerance and diversity praised a people who are intolerant of everything and everyone who are different from themselves. And they are not intolerant in an Archie Bunker sort of way. They don’t sit in front of the TV (if they can figure out how to turn it on) and give Walter Cronkite raspberries. Muslims go out and shoot Walter on the street or blow the TV station and everyone in it into a million pieces. Yet we keep hearing about what a great religion Islam is – a religion of peace. BULL$H!T. The religion may be…whatever…the people practicing it today are terrorists and cowards.

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