Thursday, June 25, 2009

Rosie, Sanford and heroes

Who knew KSM had a sister? I know. Frightening yet somehow funny at the same time, isn’t it. Sort of like your mother-in-law taking a nasty spill on the ice. I don’t have anything in particular to say about the picture. I ran across it a couple of weeks ago over at The People’s Cube, which remains a weekly stop for me. FUNNY stuff. As evidenced by the picture, TPC has some of the best photoshoppers anywhere. I’d hoped that Rosie would pop into the news again and I could use the picture along with a comment. But there it is, and I guess it really speaks for itself.

OK Sanford

Did anyone on Earth really expect that another woman WOULDN’T pop into the picture? The second I saw the headline “SC Governor disappears,” I thought, I wonder if she’s worth it.

I’ll be interested in this story when some wise MSM reporter asks Sec. State Shrillda Beast, “Madam Secretary as the most well know and most repeatedly cheated on woman in the world, do you have any advice for Mrs. Sanford?” Or when Lanny Davis and other Demo-Dope Clinton apologists come out with their “it’s only sex” meme. Until then it’s just another sad story.


In case you missed it from the Dear Leader’s last presser where the subject NEVER came up, we’re still at war. American servicemen are still being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. (Doesn't that make the Dear Leader a chickenhawk?) So stop reading and go to the Honor Their Service web page and make a donation before the Dear Leader confiscates what remains of your wealth. Come on the $25 cost of small basket will be next to nothing in a few months. When the hyper inflation kicks in you’ll make it back in about 5 seconds. Posted by Picasa

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