Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Firefighters and thugs

The Griffin on Sotomayor and how far we’ve…uh, ummm…progressed

[While on vacation,] we toured Colonial Williamsburg. We went into the old Virginia Capitol where the House of Burgesses would meet. It is interesting to think of T. Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and G. Washington being there at the same time. To be a member you had to be a land owner, male, free, over age 21, and Protestant. Now you cannot be a firefighter and get a promotion with those qualifications - even if you ace test.


Well this is weird. Muslims are rioting in the streets in Tehran and there is absolutely no sign of any Allah cartoons or false reports of Korans being flushed at G’itmo. What’s up?

Well it seems a major thug has cheated a minor thug out of an election. Oh so slow Joe wasn’t sure the official results accurately reflected the will of the people. This from a Demo-dope who sat quietly while his party stole multiple elections in Chicago, the governor’s race in Washington state and is in the process of stealing a senate seat in MN. Hey Joey, maybe Demo-dopes ought to pull the log from their own eye before pointing to the splinter someone else’s eye.

For his part out Dear Leader is trying to play the situation both ways. Yes I know, shocking isn’t it? During the election the Dear Leader was ready to claim his speech to the “Muslim world” had taken root if the minor thug won. He was talking of the “robust debate” taking place in the Middle East as a result of HIS charming words.

Now the whole thing has blown up and the Dear Leader is trying to figure out a way that riots in the streets, with nearly a score dead, benefits HIM. The weasel doesn’t even seem to think that it’s a good idea to show some kind of support for the minor thug. The Dear Dope is still holding out the possibility of sitting down for tea with major thug after he gets things settled down. No doubt this is a thug professional courtesy, and the main topic for discussion will be how thugs can steal elections. Oh yeah, and Iranians are still invited to the 4th of July Bar-B-Q. Does the word clueless enter your mind?

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