Monday, June 08, 2009

Duel of the dopes Simpson Vs. Sparrow

In a recent talk with one of the neighbors, I let slip that I thought that the Dear Leader was dope. The neighbor was taken aback. After all, all we’ve heard from our state run media has been how smart and articulate the Dear leader is.

I’ve written before here that I though the reason the Dear leader didn’t take a high paying job at prestigious law firm was that he knew he’d be exposed as not really all that smart. Better to take a job as a community organizer and have people wonder if you know anything than to take a job where the boss actually expects performance and remove all doubt.

Well when I call the Dear Leader a dope, I don’t mean in the Homer Simpson sense of being a dope. Slow Joe Biden is the Homer Simpson type dope. The Dear Leader is smart, but only when it benefits the Dear Leader. He’s a Captain Jack Sparrow conniving, self-serving, savvy type smart not a Thomas Jefferson deep thinking principled smart.

That is why whenever he goes anywhere he trashes America. He does it only because it benefits the Dear Leader not America. The Dear Dope could go abroad and praise America for electing a dope-smoking, cocaine snorting, half-black, lifetime affirmative action fill with a racist preacher, a terrorist political ally and crook for real-estate agent as president. But he doesn’t. What good would doing so do HIM?

Instead he describes America as if it were him. From Washington to Bush 43, America has been self-serving, always exploiting other nations, taking and never giving. When the Dear Leader and his angry wife roll off of Air Force One it’s never, “What a great day. What a great plane. What a great day to be an American.” Instead it’s, “We Americans have been screwing people since 1776. Only since MY inauguration has America been able to start coming to terms with its wicked past. Only I can save America.”

He did the same silly $h!t in his speech to the Muslim world.

By the way, do those two words – Muslim world - make anyone else nervous? Why even acknowledge such a thing? Would we be so happy with a speech to the “Christian world.”

But anyway that speech –what I’ve and heard of it anyway – was nothing but relativism and appeasement. Sure the “Muslim world” is happy. Why not? The Dear Leader has just kissed your collective @$$es. Saying essentially, “just because 6 million Jews were slaughtered in Europe is no reason to feel sorry for them when Hamas and Hezbollah shoot rockets into Israel.”

His “on the one hand” justification for Arab/Muslim atrocities to west and Israel over the last 50 years is sickening. America developed and bought the Middle East's vast oil resources making those nations wealthy and for that we deserve to have our ships, embassies and citizens attacked relentlessly? WTF! Dare I say the Middle East – except for Israel – would be a backward crummy third world desert were it not western development.

America has nothing to apologize for. When the Dear Leader engages in such behavior, you can bet he has made a Captain Jack Sparrow calculation that it’s in HIS own best interest to do so.

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