Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Catholic Bishops see the light

I see where the Catholic Bishops have come out against Dope-a-care. At last the the bishops are beginning to see what Lex has known all along - that the Demo-Dopes in general and the Dope in particular have never seen an unborn child worth saving.

I recall seeing B-HO bumper stickers in Lex jr.'s Catholic School parking lot and thought, what are they thinking? Then I saw a few in the church parking lot after church and I thought, something is up. I asked a Catholic acquaintance what would cause such an obvious disconnect in the minds of practicing Catholics. He didn't know but offered a theory that went something like this:

Catholics have been told for so long to help the down-troddened and poor. Now B-HO emerges as what appears to be the genuine champion of this ingrained cause. Many Catholics will look past a rather major fault with this candidate to support what they think is the over riding principle of the church.

This theory was more or less confirmed when the homily on the Sunday before the election seemed to say the responsibility to vote outweighs the responsibility to vote pro-life. Sort of like:

These guys are both descent people. It's a major decision. No matter who you might decide on, go vote.

There wasn't the "vote life" line, which would have been a clear signal to vote McCain, that I was looking for. Not that it mattered to me. I just thought it mattered to them. I left thinking, when did soup kitchen politics trump pro-life politics in the Catholic Church?

So, before the election, our bishops couldn't muster the moral strength to lead their folks away from a party and a man who look upon unplanned children as a "burden."

Now that the handwriting is clearly upon the wall, the bishops want a do-over. I'm happy to allow them that opportunity. I'd be more happy if they come out with a letter stating that they were duped before the election and should have come out more strongly pro-life before this know-nothing destroyed the country while promoting federally funded abortion.

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