Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Paygo shmaygo, congress continues to spend money they do not have

After being pilloried by Demo-Dopes and Republi-Rats alike, KY Senator and baseball hall of famer Jim Bunning relented last night in his one man crusade against the government fraud waste and abuse know as the unemployment extension bill. And the really funny thing is that Bunning wasn't against the bill. He was only asking that the senate scrounge up the $10 billion required by law to pay for it.

In January of this year, the exact same Demo-Dope phonies pillorying Bunning today were pillorying Republicans for not signing onto the Senate's "Pay as you go" rule. Just as the title sounds, the bill REQUIRES that legislation be paid for before becoming law. 10 seconds after passing the "Paygo" bill, the Demo-Dopes ignored it to pass a $15 billion "jobs bill" which was exempt from "paygo."

Now the Senate wants another $10 billion exemption from Paygo for an unemployment benifits extension. Now the senate looks like the fat chick who is going to start her diet after just one more bag of double stuffed Oreos...OK after this quart of Rock Road ice cream...OK definitely after this 2 liter bottle of Coke...absolutely after this pizza...without a doubt after this...

For the creepy people in Washington growing fat, stupid and arrogant on tax payer money, $10 billion is like one of us sifting through the car ashtray to find the odd penny or so to make the exact change at the McDonald's drive through. Bunning noted and it looks to be true, if the senate cannot find the money to pay for something that they all agree on they will never be able to find the money for anything. They will simply continue to drive us deeper and deeper into debt. But for the entitled class in Washington D.C. following the rules and the law is for suckers.

Given the hue and cry from Demo-Dopes, scared Republi-rats and the MSM over Bunning's simple demand, you'd think he was trying to take over one sixth of our economy by raising taxes and ruining the finest health care system in the world or something. Oh wait, bad example. Today Dopey Doppus plans to add 36 pages to the 2,600 page pile of steaming excrement known as Dope-a-care and then call the bill bi-partisan. The ONLY thing bi-partisan about the Dope-a-care bill is the opposition to it. Yet the Demo-Dopes and the MSM cheer this effort.

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