Thursday, March 11, 2010

Too bad to think about

Note: Lex is off tomorrow for the Big 10 Basketball tourney.

He has already proven himself to be a moron (1. the cops acted stupidly; 2. Hey let's try KSM in NY City; 3. Uh Oh! there's a man down, CORPSEman up; etc. etc. really too many more to mention) and a liar (1. I'll get all the troops home in the first year; 2. I'll close G'itmo in the first year; 3. By allowing another 30 million people access to federally funded health care we'll reduce the cost; etc. etc really too many more to mention). Now Dopulus Maximus is proving himself to be a crook as well (1. Joe Sestak was offered a bribe by the White House not to run against Arlen Spector; 2. Hey, how about I make your brother a judge and you vote for Dope-a-care?; 3. Hey let's spend billions of dollars of taxpayer money and offer ambassadorships to every nation in the UN to Reps who vote yes on Dope-a-care; etc. etc. and really too many more to mention).

In less than a year Sir Dopes a Lot has proven himself to be the most incompetent, dishonest, and felonious occupant of the White House in American history. Now this Doofuss, who Rush Limbaugh calls a man-child who is the most inexperienced person in any room he happens to wander into, is running the Census to count illegals as Americans to redistribute wealth and congressional seats based on that count. I got a letter from the Census the other day informing me that I would be receiving a census form in the mail in a few days.

Huh? Does that make any sense to anyone? How much did that cost us? Why not just send the damn form idiots. I'm going to send the bureau a letter back stating that I'm going to fill out the form and they should expect it in the mail in the next few days. Will any government $h!t for brains see the irony? Doubt it.

Then, AF Bro tips me off that the Dolt of Dopes will have the company (GE) that runs his media arm (MSNBC) controlling the data base for computerized health care records. Gee I feel better already. What could go wrong?

Then the Knucklehead-in-chief wants to grab 13 million acres of land in 11 western states.

Then we find out the Dolt of Dopes wants to restrict recreational fishing.

Then, as noted yesterday, Lindsey Grahamnesty is collaborating with McGoofuss' administration to legalize 12 million illegal aliens. Gee, who is left to represent the people?

Then yesterday Bozo is cheered by college students who are told that they can remain "children" covered under their parent's health care until age 26. This is what we've become, a nation of 26 year old "children." WTF? By age 17 George Washington was commissioned the first surveyor of his newly formed county. By age 24 he was commission a LtCol in the French and Indian wars and earned status as a hero in that war. Had George been able to stay at home on his parent's health care coverage, playing video games in mom's basement, we'd still be having tea time in "the colonies." This is BS.

There is such a broad assault on freedom and common sense in this country under this nit wit, I'm not sure we will recognize America by Nov - which is our first chance to turn it around. God help us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep the faith. The Dear Narcissist still has time to totally piss everyone off, throw everyone under the bus, and eliminate the possibilty of another far left president for the next 50 years. The Supreme Court will rule in favor the 2nd amendment by June and they will not attend the next state of the union address next year. Every branch of government, including the executive branch, will turn on him or just walk away. The key will be when his closest advisors began leaving for "health reasons" and "new opportunities" in the private sector. He is about to become as relevant as Jimmy Carter in 79-80. People won't be holding their noses when they vote. They will be breathing fire when they vote. He will tagged as the "Great Missed Opportunity" or some such nonsense. By the end of this year they will implode, eat their own, and become jokes. The Griffin.