Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Bush plays hard ball. P-BO plays...what?

The P-BO show returned to prime time last night and by most accounts had all of the excitement of a 5 pm re-run of Seinfeld - nothing new. What was the great take away from the “end of combat operations in Iraq” part of the speech? There was none.

There could have been one. Like this: “Yeah, Harry Reid, myself and most Demo-Dopes sure got the surge thing wrong. Bush was right and had way more fortitude than the entire Demo-Dope party combined. He left a road map. I followed it. This is our exit. Thanks George."

But by signaling to our enemy that he lacked any flexibility or creative thought on the Bush road map, he is leaving Iraq politically and militarily worse off than is necessary. He is doing the same thing in Afghanistan. With set in concrete pledge be out of Afghanistan next summer the uh, er Commander in Chief has signaled to our enemies that we have a weak hand, but only because the dope playing it is a weakling. George Bush left him with a strong hand, but P-BO doesn’t have the guts to ante up let alone call the enemies bluff by raising the stakes. This limp wristed wimp is just going to end up trading in our aces for a couple of twos or threes, folding and going home.

Then in a speech about war our grand pea brain starts talking about the economy and how the war screwed it up. Maybe so even before P-BO, but he owns the post Bush deficit problem. Odd that he would complain about the what eight years war cost us when he misspent that and much, much more in the first 18 months of his ship wrecked administration and has way less to show for it. Looky here for the proof.

I’ve made this point before. In Iraq, Bush was playing long ball. In the hope of transforming the Middle East from a backward sand pit dominated by satraps, kings, dictators and terrorists into an area of enlightened democracies. I honestly believe that the main goal in Iraq was never WMD but rather establishing some kind of functioning democracy in the cradle of civilization and by doing so giving the people of that region a look at what is available to them if they chase the satraps, kings, dictators and terrorists from the area.

While Bush plays hardball, P-BO, as evidenced by the pictures, is playing something else.

For crying out loud couldn’t he at least try to look the part? At a minimum, tuck in your damn shirt. But why not at least try to look a bit presidential? Sure, Bush throws like a man, but he also dresses like one.

Anyhoo, P-BO just wants to play politics. He is more interested in transforming the US into a European socialist state than making anyone in the world more like the US.  His politics will fail though, because one of two things will happen near term in Iraq and Afghanistan:

First, things will begin to go south and P-BO will do nothing snatching a hard fought victory away from America. If that happens, he will be forever known as the pol that lost the Middle East.

Two, things will go south and P-BO will try to save the situation with a re-commitment of American forces. The left will hate him and people with brains will wonder why he just didn’t stay the course to begin with.

Either way, stick a fork in him, he’s done.

The only way this can end well for us is by doing what is necessary every step of the way. Boxing the Islamo-terror-fascists in at every turn. You cannot fight a half war or even - as this bunch of Bozos prefer to call it - a half “over seas contingency operation” and expect to win.  You cannot set a timeline for victory.  As everyone but P-BO knows, baseball is one of only a few games played without a clock.

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