Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Demo-Dopes to ensure everyone's income taxes go up

Taxes are a wining issue for Republicans. Yes, and the sun still rises in the east. Demo-Dopes are set to blow town without holding a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts for even us middle class waifs making less than $250K. If congress does nothing, taxes on all Americans who pay income taxes will go up on Jan 1st, 2011.

That is the Republicans’ fault. Republicans agreed to write a sunset clause into the Bush tax plan to make squishes like McCain, Grahmnesty and the usual crowd of squishes happy. Now it’s time to pay the piper. Will McCain, Grahmnesty et. al. step up to the plate and admit they were wrong? Hell no.

But here’s a winning argument for Republicans smart enough to make it. OK let’s talk taxes. You make less than $250K. What percentage of that money do you believe the government ought to be entitled to? I’ll bet $100, unless it’s someone with an un-taxable income in the millions, most Americans would believe that percentage to be somewhere between 10 and 15%. Now ask the same person, OK now you’ve worked really hard and earn more than $250K, what percentage of that additional income do you believe the government ought to be able to confiscate and redistribute? I’m thinking the figures stay about the same.

Now ask the person what the highest marginal rate the government ought to be steal from that person regardless of income. I believe the figures will stay about the same. It’s only when the question is posed as taxing the greedy evil rich that the figure will go up. So ask the question.  How much income tax should the government be able to take from a greedy corporate CEOs? The figure may now go as high as 40%. But now you have them. You tell them, OK now you’ve agreed that a 40% marginal rate is OK so pay up. They will argue that, no, they only wanted that rate for the greedy rich. Ahh, but that’s not how it works. Once you agree that 40% is OK, the bureaucrats in D.C. get to decide who pays.

See when asked what a fair share tax of their own income would be, everyone might agree that 10-15% is fair. Some may go as high as 20%. It’s only when you get to asking about the evil rich that the percentage goes up. Well there is an across the board fair rate that the government ought to be able to confiscate of the fruits of one’s labor.

Once you have the American people agreeing that it’s OK for the government to take 40% of those fruits from certain people, you have unwittingly given the green light to the D.C. dopes to use that figure on whomever they like – or better said - dislike.

That is why the flat tax is the answer. Everyone is in for a percentage. Then when Chas Schumer, Richard Cranium Turdbin and the Demo-Dopes want to raise taxes to build butterfly gardens in their home states, everyone has a stake. When everyone’s taxes go up, pols will not be so quick to talk about tax increases.

But the current tax code is what the D.C. bums use as carrots and sticks. That is how they get us to behave like circus animals. Turn in your classic old car and your neighbors will help you buy a new under powered “green” one. Use these windows, light bulbs and doors and the government will let off the hook for 10% of the cost. Buy these appliances, and your neighbors will pay for 20% of the costs. If everyone, and I mean everyone was paying a flat percentage all of that kind of crap would go away.

Here’s the thing. Demo-Dopes will take an @$$whippin’ this fall. They will do nothing on the Bush tax plan. Everyone who pays income tax will start paying more. Republicans will vote to reinstate the tax cuts but that will get bogged down in the senate or will be vetoed by P-BO. Point is that the Demo-Dopes have to literally do nothing to get what they want, a tax hike.

Republican ought to be beating the Demo-Dopes like a drum on this issue.

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