Monday, September 13, 2010

Free speech for me, but not thee

After claims by America's Health Insurance Plans that insurers are raising premiums because of increased costs imposed by the P-BOcare law, HHS Sec Kathleen Sebelius warned, "There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases." After Tea Partiers, America's Health Insurance Plans – a lobby group for insurance companies - has become this administration's the number 1 boogieman. That’s not an easy task for an administration keen to place anyone who dare disagree on the list.

But here’s a funny thing – or a least it’d be funny were it not so darn serious – both Sebelius and her boss agree that as many of the law's "key protections" take effect later this month they impose additional costs on insurers. P-BO acknowledged this when he said that of course cost were going to rise. That, you could not add 30 million freeloaders to the system without increasing cost. 

Now he sounds like Republican. Had he been that honest during the campaign or the P-BOcare debate, the percentage of people opposed to this BS might have gotten as high as 85-90% as opposed to the mere 70% that recognize this BS for what is - BS. But Sebelius took the cruel news of financial woe for insurers and their customers in stride when she plastered on one of those incredibly clever yellow smiley faces and issued this statement, "according to our analysis and those of some industry and academic experts, any potential premium impact ... will be minimal."  Another pundit warned, if you think this is bad, wait until the other 2,000 pages of P-BOcare go into effect in 2014.

Well said by a woman who, like her boss, has never run anything more complicated than a college class room full of like-minded half wits. Businesses are not in business to provide health care, child care, retirement benefits or an annual company picnic. Businesses exist to make money for the owner or the share holders. They do that by providing the best possible product or service at the lowest possible price. Anything an onerous government does to increase the cost of “doing business” has to be eaten by someone. Sadly that someone is usually us Joe consumer.

But the fact that this (g)@ssbag women is clueless is the least of our problem. Who the hell is she to tell any American that their right to free speech and opinion will not be tolerated?

This administration has real problem with Americans expressing themselves openly. It started with Joe the plumber. After he respectfully asked his question, the B-HO campaign and Demo-Dope operatives set out to destroy this guy. Why? Well he had the temerity to ask a question that the Lamestreamers would never ask. And when P-BO stepped in a huge pile of his own excrement with his “spread the wealth around” comment, it was the questioner who became the issue not P-BO’s lame-brained answer.

Then there was the wildly successful effort. That was when P-BO, in perfect communist tradition, asked us to rat out our neighbor for offering a conflicting (i.e. true) opinion about P-BOcare.

Most recently, we have all sorts of government officials weighing in on some nutball’s decision to burn a koran. Before, I thought the guy ought not burn the book for obvious reasons – not among them was offending the sensibilities of the world’s $h!head population. Now, I think the guy ought to crap on koran before burning it and put the embers out by pi$$ing on them and drowning them in cheap whiskey and pork grease  before disposing of the ash down a park service porta-potty at the 9-12 rally on the mall.  I am for this action not to make a statement to moderate Muslims to grow up and join at least the 16th century if not the 21st, but to warn my government to stop their assault on free speech.

If the government is going to tell me that I can not put up a Christmas tree in the town square because of separation of church and state, by the same logic, the government ought not be “encouraging” anyone not to burn a koran.

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