Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What the Tea Party wants

Former U.S. President Bill Clinton told CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday that one thing bothering him about the Tea Party movement is that he can’t figure out where they stand on issues.

“Do they want to repeal the financial oversight bill? Do they want to repeal rather than reform the health care thing? Do they really want to repeal the student loan reform bill when we’ve fallen from first to 12th in the world in people with college degrees and it’s really important to the economy?” Clinton said…

Clinton also said he’s not sure if the Tea Party movement is “going to be a good thing for Democrats.”

“The Tea Party insurrection, if you will, that you see in these Republican primaries reflects the feeling of a lot of Americans that they’re getting the shaft,” Clinton told CBS chief Washington correspondent Bob Schieffer.

The reason Bilbo can’t figure the Tea Party out is because nobody has handed him a poll driven position paper on the topic. Left to try to figure out the middle ground on his own, Billbo is mystified. What do these people want? They want a lot of thing but one thing for sure is that they want pols like Clinton to do an Olbermann and shut the hell up.

What does the Tea Party? Here’s a short list

They want the government to stop spending money that it does not have. Clear enough?

Stop using that money to feather the nests of your political cronies.

They want the government to do the things that it is mandated by constitution to do, like secure our borders and stop all the nanny statism like P-BOcare that are not found in the constitution.

OK?  The list could go on about mosques, korans, vacations, the New Black Panthers, don’t ask don’t tell, Israel, Palestine, Hugo Chaves etc.etc But let’s start with those three basics. And the number one thing the Tea Party wants is get rid incumbent Demo-Dope hacks. Nov 2 can not arrive soon enough.

And if you think Billbo is a clueless buffoon on the Tea Party, P-BO told some lady at townhall meeting yesterday that the Tea Party’s anger is directed at the wrong people. Oh yeah, George Bush is responsible for the doubling of the national debt with P-BO’s own crazy spending policies. Spending that if unchecked will cause the national debt to triple in the next five years.

Does that crap, blaming you predecessor 18 months into your new job, work for anyone else? Let me know if does. Being president is a lot like being a relief pitcher. Most of these major leaguers want the ball no matter what. So if the relief guy comes on with two guys on base and throws a nice straight, slow ball right across the heart of the plate that the batter knocks into another zip code, that pitch is not the starting pitcher’s fault.  P-BO wanted the job.  P-BO knew what he was facing.  And like the example of the relief pitcher, he has made the situation much worse and has nobody but himself to blame for it.

P-BO went on to say that it is not enough to just point out the problem. You have to offer some constructive solutions as well. OK. Here’s the near term solution; vote every Demo-Dope and RINO Republi-Rat possible out of office on Nov 2, 2010. Year’s the long term solution; Vote P-BO out during the Demo-Dope primary season of 2012.

And it's interesting to note that P-BO's supporters have started to notice that the rose water smell of P-BO's BS is beginning to wear off.
One thing I've noticed though is that Billbo and P-BO aren't calling them Tea Baggers any more.  Progress however slight, is still progress.  The Tea Party is a force to be reckoned with. 

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