Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AZ shootings are all the fault of Pime Co Sheriff Turdnik

Surprisingly the Washington Post hit the nail on the head with regard to Jared Loughner. The Post editorialized yesterday:

“Politicians should choose their words with care and keep debate civil, but it seems an unsupported leap to blame either the political climate or any particular individual or group for inciting the gunman. The suspect appears to be a disturbed young man with no coherent political philosophy.”

Now if the post could only get that message to Pima County Sheriff Clarence Turdnik, RC Turdbin, and the rest of the lefty loon who blame everyone from Sarah Palin to Pat Miller (that’s the right leaning afternoon radio guy here in Ft. Wayne) for the acts of one hate filled and unstable man.

I think this whole thing is Sheriff Turdnik’s fault. Really. This bozo law enforcement buffoon let a left wing psychopathic killer roam the streets of Pima County in order to kill a Congresswoman who was a former Republican and a Republican appointed federal judge. While Turdnik spent his law enforcement resources championing the evils of conservative talk radio, he was allowing a lefty loon as crazy as Trudnik himself to unleash his hell on the people of America. Turdnik and his coconspirators should be hauled before a federal magistrate and charged as accomplices to murder.

How else can you explain a dangerous left wing loser like Loughner being allowed to roam around without ever once arousing the suspicions of the Pima County Sheriff? Because the sheriff was in on the whole thing. How else can explain that everyone who had the slightest contact with Loughner KNEW he was a dangerous nut, but Pima County’s finest did nothing? And how else can you explain the targets? A Congresswoman who was a former Republican and a Republican appointed federal judge. Turdnik engineered this whole thing either knowingly or because he’s a joke of a law enforcement officer. Either way he is responsible for the carnage.

No! I don’t believe any of that. If someone were to get on tv and make that case though, they’d have a pretty good following until sane people rained them in. Apparently there are no sane people on the left to reel the whackos in, because one after another nutty idea surfaces every two minutes about Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin being accomplices to murder without a shred of evidence or any strong reaction from the left. P-BO or even the dumbest man in Washington could put an end to this BS in one statement:

Jared Lee Loughner is solely responsible for this heinous act. Any attempts to link anyone else to this tragedy says way more about the people trying to do the linking than it does of those they are trying to link.

Of course because our left wing president’s own nasty rhetoric about bringing guns to a knife fight is what really inspired left wing killer Loughner to shoot a Congresswoman who was a former Republican and a Republican appointed judge, P-BO is probably feeling a bit responsible himself. So, he’ll never make that statement

Oops, there I go again.

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