Friday, January 14, 2011

Guard your liberty, Tom and Joe are nervous about something

On MSNBC's "Morning Joe” Tom Brokaw whined to fellow wimp Joe Scaborough:

"Gun control is too simple a phrase to define all the complications and nuances of it, frankly. In Arizona they have a wide open system. I would be nervous about going into a bar or restaurant in Arizona on a Saturday night where people can carry concealed without permits."

But you can bet Tom and Joe’s answer to the problem they have created in their minds is not to simply avoid such places on Saturday night. No. In the Libs world, Libs staying away from the people or things that see as a problem - people who carry guns or smoke or drink or drive SUVs or eat French fries or wear a cross to work or school or have a bible in sight in public place or hear “under God” or argue against an onerous government or well nearly everything - is not the answer. In their minds they have a right to wonder around free from all of the things in life that bug them.

Libs don’t like to be around cigarettes. So instead of going to all of the places in town that don’t allow smoking they simply ban smoking in all public places. Problem solved. Libs don’t know how to use a gun and are nervous around people who do, simply ban the carrying of guns. That way only the criminals will have them. Libs don’t like trans fat, ban them. Screw everyone else. Just ban everything that makes Tom and Joe nervous and all will be right with the world.

Tom should hope that Bubble Boy Pete King’s insane legislation passes. Then all nervous Tom will need to do is make sure he stays within a 1,000 feet of a federal official. Then he’ll know that anyone with a gun inside the bubble is a criminal. Then he’ll have plenty of time to piss himself before he gets shot.

The answer for these people is never, live and let live or dare I say it - tolerance, it is always, “It’s my right not be offended by anything in this world. There will be a 1,000 foot bubble around me which all the things I’m against are not allowed. Turn off that damned Beatles music! I can’t stand the Beatles.”

These liberty vampires never think that it’s their responsibility to adjust their own behavior to avoid the things that don’t like. They believe it is their mission to destroy the liberty of everyone around them so that they will never have to nervous about anything and will remain safe inside the nanny state cocoon.

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