Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Getting around the Constitution is what is confusing to Libs

The new congress will begin with a reading of the US Constitution. That’s a good thing. The Congress should begin every day with by reading the constitution right after the prayer. Some well respected guy on MESSMBC - Ezra Klein - says the exercise is a gimmick and that the “constitution is confusing because it was written over a 100 years ago.”

Well actually Ezra, it was written more than 200 years ago but dates can be so confusing and being off by 100% isn’t that big deal when dealing with all of this confusion. But Klein is an idiot for a different reason. The constitution isn’t all that confusing. Take the Second Amendment for example. It only becomes confusing when Liberal gun grabbers want to ignore the rather plain text. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” For spineless lefties the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall be infringed to the extent that @$$bag Chuckles Schumer or some unelected @$$bag 9th circus judge thinks it damn well ought be infringed with “common sense” gun grabbing ammo restricting legislation or interpretation thereof.

It’s not the constitution that is confusing Ezra and his merry band of liberty vampires. It’s how to get around it without causing such a stir that Americans are awakened before another precious freedom is sucked from the freest nation in the history of the world. That is what is confusing Ezra and the left. How do we get around this remarkable document and all of the limits it places on government and all of the freedoms enshrined therein. That’s what is confusing Klein and like minded weasels.

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Wow that is confusing. And look how those illiterates spelled defense. Idiots, that’s British spelling. How can you expect Ezra to get his arms around these dozen or so pages with confusing stuff like “defence?” What’s next Ezra losing track of the 2nd amendment argument because some Brit spells caliber c-a-l-i-b-r-e?

And of course nobody on MessNBC challenges Ezra on the whole concept of rejecting everything over a 100 years old because it’s confusing. Mark Styne pointed out that “Take me to the ballpark” was penned over 100 years ago and asked if Ezra was confused by that? I could take up the time and the rest of the page with other documents penned over 100 years ago that are as relevant today as the day they were published but I suppose everyone else can do the same in their own mind in about 1/100th the time it’d take me to type out my own list.

Ezra Klein is the perfect example of today’s “journalist.” Lazy, self indulgent, narcissistic, uninformed, ignorant boobs who think history began the day they turned 20. It’s really not all that surprising that this idiot said what he said. What’s amazing is all of the head nodding agreement that follows from the glitterati and Klein’s peers.

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