Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Katie Couric's New Year's quest, unseat Nanny Peloser as world's dumbest woman

Is Katie Couric the dumbest woman on Earth? NO. That honor still belongs to Nanny Peloser, but being in second place has Katie stepping up her game. Proof? Couric said this:

I also think sort of the chasm, between, or the bigotry expressed against Muslims in this country has been one of the most disturbing stories to surface this year. Of course, a lot of noise was made about the Islamic Center, mosque, down near the World Trade Center, but I think there wasn’t enough sort of careful analysis and evaluation of where this bigotry toward 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide, and how this seething hatred many people feel for all Muslims, which I think is so misdirected, and so wrong — and so disappointing. …

Maybe we need a Muslim version of The Cosby Show.

I know that sounds crazy, I know that sounds crazy. But The Cosby Show did so much to change attitudes about African-Americans in this country, and I think sometimes people are afraid of what they don’t understand…

You are an idiot Katie. It is NOT hateful not to want a mosque constructed on the site – ok or even near the site – were murdering scumbags of the religion peace destroyed the WTC and a nearly a full city block of NY City. No more so than a quiet bedroom community protests the establishment of a mega church at the major intersection leading into the community.

It’s not the people protesting the mosque being hateful Katie. It’s bastards like you who attribute the wrong motives toward their disgust at the swine slug interested in building the Islamic center. It has a lot more to do with decency and common sense than hate. But you have to give this idiot and her pals credit. Just as they attribute anyone’s opposition to P-BO as racist, they attribute anyone’s opposition to the GZM as Islamophobic.

Oh and Katie if you want to know where the real hate in this country lies, it’s called anti-Semitism NOT Islamophbia. Anti-Semitic incidents made up the largest share of New York hate crimes reported in 2009, according to statistics just released by the state’s Division of Criminal Justice Services. The number of incidents involving Jewish victims also rose 15 percent from 219 in 2008 to 254. Damn. This messes up Katie’s theory. Jews are the largest share of hate crime victims in in NYC? Even with all of the hate surrounding the GZM? – most of it emanating from the mosque supporters like Couric by the way.

But it goes way beyond NYC Katie. FBI hate crime statistics show that of the hate crimes that occurred as a result of religion, 71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.

Holy crap Katie that blows a hole the size of the one Muslims put in our Pentagon in your argument. But hey Katie, it took me 5 minutes to get this information. We can’t expect a highly paid national news reader to actually look into this stuff. Hey Katie, maybe all we need to do to end this hate toward the Jews is bring back Seinfeld.

Oh, and it’s not limited the US either. Over the Christmas holiday peace loving Muslims were murdering their way on to the front page again in places like, Iraq, Egypt and Pakistan. The victims? Katie will be surprised to learn that the peace loving Muslim were slaughtering Christians and anyone who supported religious tolerance. Maybe a sitcom across the Middle East about fun loving Christians feeding and clothing Arab children that the oil rich Kings won’t be bothered with could turn all of this hate within the religion of peace around.

The seething hatred seems to be one way Katie from Muslims toward anyone – like you – that doesn’t share their 12 th century view of things. Were Katie not such a useful idiot for these scumbags she certainly would be a target. As it is, they will kill her last.

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