Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where's the appology?

In the immediate aftermath of the Tucson massacre, loony leftists were certain that the shooter of a Congresswoman who happened to be a former Republican and a Republican appointed judge were somehow connected to the Tea Party. They opined that the shooter would spend his days listening to right wing radio talkers before heading out to his militia meeting that consisted primarily of shooting at targets with the likeness of Barney Frank in drag printed on them.

The knuckleheads talked and talked about how right wing extremist were responsible. Now the truth is creeping out bit by bit. The shooter, far from being right wing, is a left wing pot smoking, flag burning, commie lover. So now the air waves are rolling with apologies from Paul Krugman, Sheriff Dupnik, Sen Durbin et al right? No. Not at all. In the face of overwhelming evidence that they were wrong and spectacularly wrong at that, the morons who used hate speech and vitriol to denounce hate speech and vitriol continue the narrative. One (g)assbag, Rep. Brad Sherman (D-[for dumbass] CA) told Fox news, "Whether [political rhetoric] caused what happened in Tucson or not, it’ll cause the next tragedy." Well let’s get pre-crime on that one right away Brad.

And when things aren’t going well in Las Vegas, we know the best advise is always to double down. Demo-Dope douche Pat Leahy informed us that, "The seething rhetoric has gone too far. The demonizing of opponents, of government, of public service has gone too far." You’re right Sen. So you and the rest of the (g)assbags responsible for it ought to go into room so deep underground that no one can hear you, that or just shut up.

And stupidity is not restricted to Demo-Dopes. There are opportunist on the right as well. Using the mantra of “never let a crisis go to waste,” usually sane NY Rep Peter King is introducing a bill that would make it crime to carry a weapon within 1,000 feet of a federally elected official – even if you have a right to carry which we all do according to the part of the constitution not yet shredded by dopes like King. King – let’s call him bubble boy because he wants a 1,000 foot bubble placed around him – is so afraid of his constituents that he wants runners out a 1,000 feet in all directions snatching up weapons.

So if Pete wants to go to the mall, feds show up and order you out if you have a weapon legally concealed. If Pete decides he’ll stroll down to the local 7-11, sweepers grab the clerk’s gun and the gun of the private security guy the store hired. Bubble Boy Pete gets to stroll around in what he thinks is perfect safety while the feds grab up legally owned and carried fire arms within 1,000 feet of wherever he may choose to stroll. F&%k you Bubble Boy.

Has it occurred to any of these deep thinkers that there are already laws against shooting people that are regularly ignored? I can just see nut ball Jared Lee Loughner running Bubble Boy Pete’s new law through his head before the shooting:

Well, I’ll hide my pistol and the high capacity magazines in my coat. I’ll drive down to the Safeway. I’ll get as close to the congresswoman as possible. Then I’ll pull out my gun and shoot her in the head. Then I’ll kill and wound as many innocent bystanders as I can. No wait! Damn! There’s a law against me getting to within a 1,000 feet of the congresswoman with a weapon. My whole plan is shot. Curse you Bubble Boy Pete.

So a guy who is not deterred by the laws against shooting people is somehow going to be scarred off by Bubble Boy Pete’s insane law? Besides, Bubble Boy, dare I say it again? You and the other 534 (g)assbags that populate the congress are not worth losing any bit of freedom over. You can all be replaced by better people. Only 6 term Washington teat suckers think that they are the only one’s capable of doing the job. Every one of you could be replaced with a random lottery and there would be a net gain in competence, integrity, common sense and honesty in the congress.

Yeah, Pat you may see this as seething rhetoric demonizing government. You may think it contemptible. But it is reserved for the most contemptible among us, lying, conniving, freedom grabbing, wealth redistributing weasels like you.

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