Friday, May 11, 2012

Building a house of cards

                                                                The P-BO's America

So now that gay marriage is the law of the land…huh? It isn’t. But the P-BO said….what? Not one thing has changed? Except that the craven P-BO has come and voiced long held opinion on gay marriage.

Wow! How weird is that? All of the hoopla and nothing has changed except one waffling, sail eared, brain-dead, SFB has said aloud what everyone already knew. Are you sure? It’s very hard to believe that the lamestreamers are heaping such praise and adornment on the P-BO…no wait it’s not hard to believe. But even so, NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

32 states have expressed their opinion in law. All against same sex marriage. Same sex marriage has never won an election – even in ultra liberal CA. Yet we are told that a vast majority of Americans support the proposition or perhaps “proposal” is a better word, that Bruce and Harlan make a pretty pair. Seems to me the issue would have won somewhere then. Remember more strong positions are simply abandon in combat than are ever overrun. These polls are manufactured to get us to shut up and leave the high ground. It is a loser for the Libs.

Societies have chosen to reward marriage, not because it is a perfect institution, rather it is the best way to perpetuate useful society. Children raised with a man and a woman in the home tend to be more stable and less a burden on society. We see what happened to the black family when the government decided they’d reward fatherless children.

Abortion, contraceptives and an onerous tax code have created a demographic nightmare in childless Europe. Why reward another behavior that will only exacerbate the problem? Families should receive a break in the tax code. Families are how the society is perpetuated and children are a necessity to keep taxes coming into the treasury to pay for Bruce’s sex change operation. In that regard, as always, Libs are quite happy to slay the golden goose for a good supper on Tuesday rather than look at the long term dining options.

Societies are fragile things. They have come and gone with great regularity. History is replete with examples of hedonistic societies that have placed personal pleasure and looting the treasury ahead of societal needs. They die away. It’s like a house of cards. You start with a stable basic design. It stands. Then you add on and on. At some point, the stable basic design is compromised and the whole thing comes down. Then what do you do? You go back to the basic stable design.

And if you don’t think America is headed down a dark road, turn on the tv, radio, cruise the Internet, or take a look at the cover of Time magazine.

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