Thursday, May 24, 2012

Some splainin to do

Splain this – Last summer, we were told that the Euro zone needs to loan Greece money to stabilize that country to stabilize the rest of the Euro zone. A 12 billion Euro lone was arranged in Jul bringing the grand total of bailout money to ~200 billion Euro. Nobody knows how much money has really been poured down the Greek sewer though. Trying to decipher the labyrinth of loans from who for what is like trying tot read a Chinese newspaper. Aside from the pictures, the average guy doesn’t understand much. Now, less than a year later, we’re being told that the Euro zone is about collapse if Greece does not get another loan. Why don’t they set Greece up as a welfare state and just issue a check every month?  That way everyone could budget for it.

This is the splainin’ part. Some talking head somewhere explained that this is important to the US because the US has put money onto the Greek pot…or toilet, if you will. So we were borrowing money from the ChiComs to give to the Greeks? WTF (Win the future)? Can there be a logical explanation for such BullShirtery?

Splain this – Four witnesses in the Trayvon Martin case have changed their stories dramatically, all to the favor of the prosecution. Intimidation? From who? The New same as the old Black panthers? The prosecutor? Public opinion? I don’t know. Seems to me the truth will come out at the trial. The witnesses will be confronted with their original stories and will have to splain why that story changed. Then the witness will be on trial. To me that oddly would favor Zimmerman because all needs to do is create doubt. What can create more doubt than a handful of witnesses changing their stories?

Splain this - Gerry Rivers (aka Geraldo Rivera) actually said that Zimmerman will not be found guilty on murder 2 charge but should be found guilty on something because Trayvon's parents deserve "something."  Just how the hell does that work?  Mr. Z you are not guilty of all charges, but I'm finding you guilty of hurting Mr. & Mrs. Martin's feelings.  If they were less sympathetic figures, I'd let you slide.  But America loves them. As such I order you to serve 25 to life.

Splain this – The republicans are conducting a war on women, right? So why is this Demo-Dope union thug hitting a piñata with a picture SC’s female Gov Nikki Haley on it? Notice how attractive the woman is. Notice how she pretty much misses the piñata twice, yet the piñata falls, unbroken to the ground. No doubt the piñata was installed by a couple of union piñata installers. Notice how the other union thugs root their unattractive non bat swinging hag on. Notice how the union creep can only break the piñata after several swings with the piñata stationary and on a table. They don’t even know that the video is the perfect metaphor the total ineptitude of union bosses.

Splain this – How can an incumbent president with no challenger lose 40% of the vote in WV to a jailbird, 2/3rds of the counties in TN to “uncommitted" and 40% of the vote AK to TN businessman? Oh, this one’s easy – RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never minder of the day. Michael J. Fox injected himself into the political arena in 2006 by backing a lifting of the “ban” on stem cell research. Only thing was, there never was a ban. He could have had his entire Dr. Mengele team working stem cell research if he wanted. He didn’t. He was the Sandy Fluke of stem cell research. He wanted you to pay for it with your tax dollars. Breitbart notes how Michael J. is now having an Emily Lattela “Never mind” moment:

Fox recently told ABC News that "there have been some issues with stem cells" and that even though "an answer may still come from stem cell research, it is more than likely to come from another area."

He's a Lib.  All is foregiven.

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