Monday, May 14, 2012

Floating on oil

We’re #1! fossil fuel resources

Who Knew? Sadly, probably everyone in a position of power is aware of the fact and wants desperately to keep the information from the public.

A representative of the Government Accountability Office told the House Science Subcommittee on Energy and Environment that America has more fossil fuel resources than any other nation. Russia is second. Saudi Arabia is third. The GAO guy said that the Green River Formation alone–located at the intersection of the states of Colorado, Utah and Wyoming– contains as much oil as the entire proven reserves of the rest of the world combined. Holy cow!

Now, take that tid bit of info and combine it with the fact that the WORLD energy demands will increase by about 40% over the next 20 years and what do you have? A case for dumping $500 MILLION down a green sink hole called Solyndra? No. A case for more coal burning cars that tend to catch fire, while the P-BO ironically closes more and more coal fired power plants with insane EPA requirements? No. Then certainly a case for more exorbitantly expensive windmill farms to generate electricity at unpredictable intervals while indiscriminately killing 10s of thousands of birds with total indifference as to the species? No. Well geez, curly cue light bulbs just can’t create that kind of savings by themselves. So what can it be?

What it is Mr. & Mrs. America is a case for us to get off our @$$es and begin developing the fossil fuel energy God has blessed us with and is going to be required until the next big thing – flubber, flux capacitors, sperving valves to compensate for side soydinal vibration, whatever - comes along to make fossil fuel irrelevant. We will not get there with the current administration comprised of communists, socialists, @$$clowns, thieves, liars and just plain incompetent fools.

Romney should couple this information with the need for jobs and economic revival using North Dakota as a model of what’s possible in America if adults are returned to power. I’d go so far as to make a statement about American energy independence along the lines of JFK’s man on the moon statement. Call energy independence an American strategic and security imperative. Set a goal of 10 years and indicate that it can be done much sooner. Cut the bureaucratic red tape. Threaten to disband or de-fund the EPA if they do not cooperate in ensuring safe energy exploration and development rather than reflexively impeding every project with 10,000 law suits.

Encourage all manner of energy savings and research with big prizes for things that actually work, rather than pouring money down the drain on stupid pie in the sky projects because the CEO of Corp. X bundled a bunch of money for your campaign.

Competition will cause great things to happen in this field. Microsoft was created out of a garage. That’s where the next big energy find will come from. Why? Simple. There are a lot more garages with passionate creative people occupying them with a beer frig, a pirated satellite signal for the tv and a Playboy calendar tacked to the wall than multimillion dollar research labs with more rules than common sense and more in fighting than newest soap opera or the WWE.

Running the energy research and development effort out of the political wing of the White House or leaving it to the earmarking process in congress will only insure tax dollars continue to be wasted on BS projects that Ned the wino could take a 30 second look at and in his inebriated state correctly opine, “It’ll never work.”

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