Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The P-BO's America

The police will, no doubt, act stupidly.

America, as it turns out, could have rested easy for a few hours yesterday. Sure the unwashed OWS creeps were littering the streets with their typical Demo-Dope campaign literature and signage, but the P-BO made a campaign swing through Afghanistan. Has anyone noticed that the P-BO suddenly loves being with military members?

While there and remaining in full pander mode, the P-BO indicated that his administration would love to sit down and negotiate with the Taliban. Wow! He won’t negotiate with John Boehner to pass a federal budget, but he’s willing to sit down with murdering scum trapped in the 7th century. Oh well he did cut his political chops in bomb throwing anarchist Bill Ayres’ living room. I guess he’s just reverting to form.

Then there’s the whole “war on women” meme. How is that faux issue going to hold up against the Republicans? Their big crime, according to your dim witted campaign people and compliant media dolts, is that they won’t rob their neighbors to pay for abortion and contraceptives under the guise of “women’s health.” That's some "war."  The Talis on the hand actually cut women’s heads off for straying outdoors without a male family member. Seems it’s going to be a tough sell. But when you have the media on your side ignoring every blunder and heaping great praise for every lie and every day that something doesn’t go horribly wrong, well who knows how long the charade might continue.

And if you think for one minute the media will not bury embarrassing stories or stories that call into question any part of the P-BO narrative, check out this disturbing story of a 100 or so P-BO look-a-like punks attacking a white couple. Sadly, the act is becoming more and more commonplace. But read about the police reaction and the reaction of the newspaper that employed the couple. Cover up. And the story reveals another incident where a bunch of black murdering thugs who probably look a lot like the P-BO’s son, if he had one, attack a white man, beat him to death and strip his body. Not a word on this story.  This is the P-BO and Eric the wad Holder’s America.

I’m not lawyer, I know who both my parents were, but it would seem to me, given the pattern these days, when confronted by a racial mob that looks like the wad Holder’s people, you should have the absolute right to start shooting. You should be able to consider yourself in immanent danger. Of course, Revs? Jesse, Al and Jerry, and the wad are unlikely to see it that way. The reaction is more likely to be, “Pay back’s a bitch you honkie cracker M-Fer.”

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