Saturday, April 28, 2012

The assault on Catholics begins/continues

Mnsgr. John and Lex jr. take a break during Jr's Eagle Scout project 

Disclaimer: I know Monsignor John Kuzmich, Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, and I think the world of him and our other priests and deacons at the church. I know Msgr. John to be a kind, compassionate, worldly and extremely learned man. Also, Lex jr. attended the school in question in the post under, St. Vincent’s school.

Just as predicted on this page, the steady drip of anti Catholic crap from the lamestreammedia and their high holy one, the P-BO, has begun. The State dept, under the steady hand of the “world’s smartest woman” who can’t even manage to get a single word translated correctly into Russian, lumped the Vatican in with drug runners, human trafficers, gun runners and other unsavory characters (all probably on a P-BO donor list somewhere) as a money laundering operation. Even though the Catholic Church is arguably the most effective organization in dealing with the problem, State has denied the church a grant for ministering to victims of human trafficking because the church will not encourage abortion as part of that ministry.

Now the lamestreamers have taken up the cause of one Emily Herx. Ms. Herx did not have her contract renewed at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic School here in Ft. Wayne, IN because she insisted on time off for in vitro fertilization procedures. Now, had Ms. Herx just done the damn thing on her own time, who would have known about it? No one that's who.  But no. Her and her husband demand time off so that the Catholic School has to subsidize a procedure that the church has condemned for decades. Ms. Herx’s case is Sandra Fluke sans the contraceptives and now desperately trying to get pregnant and wanting other people to pay for it while ignoring the immoral nature of the method.

And NO, it doesn’t matter if the Catholic Church is the ONLY organization in the world that takes exception to in vitro. As part of her contract, Ms. Herx was required to "have a knowledge and respect for the Catholic faith, and abide by the tenets of the Catholic Church." For the same reason it makes NO DIFFERENCE WHAT-SO-EVER if Ms. Herx’s duties at the school did or dindn't have anything to do with religious teaching.

Ms. Herx claims that she always got good evaluations. No doubt. In an age where everyone gets a trophy and an Islamo-Terror-Fascist Army Major psychologist is passed through and is discovered to be an incompetent murdering bastard only after killing 14 people on Ft. Hood, why would we think anyone would bother to tell the truth about Ms. Herx? All that aside, what the hell difference does it make? She can teach. Hitler could paint. Don’t even start. No she’s not Hitler. That was just the most extreme example I could think of. The point is, except for OJ, we don’t ignore grave moral shortcomings of people because they happen to be good at something else. No she's not OJ, except for the nasty moral dillema as what is to done to disposal of unused or frozen embryos.

Ms. Herx’s lawyer claims that none of Ms. Herx’s embryos were destroyed in the process. No. But I’ll bet a few are frozen in a jar somewhere. These unborn are referred to as snow babies. They will create a moral dilemma as to their disposal once Ms. And Mr. Herx get their desired result or give up trying.

Ms. Herx claims that Monsignor Kuzmich called her an “immoral sinner.” I don’t know. What I know of Msgr. John, without some context, I find that claim difficult to believe. Besides, let’s say he explains the church doctrine on in vitro and Ms. Herx insists on going through with the procedure, what would that make her in the eyes of the church? People are so afraid to call anything by its name any more. The murdering ITF at Ft. Hood is not a terrorist. He is a purveyor of “work place violence.”

Mz. Herx claims she had to explain the procedure to Msgr. John, that he didn’t know what it was. Not likely. The church has been teaching against this procedure for decades. Msgr. John is a smart and compassionate man. I would guess that he was questioning her in effort to see how much she knew about the procedure and determine what type of “fertility procedure” she was under going. The Catholic Church is not opposed to fertility treatment. They do draw the line at creating life in a test tube or any other procedure that creates life outside the marital embrace. More likely, Msgr. John probably needed to know how to move forward given a certain set of circumstances.

As is the Catholic way, Msgr. John will not do or say anything that will bring shame or embarrassment on Ms. Herx or her family. Diocese spokesman Sean McBride’s statement said all, the Herx family is in our prayers.

And make no mistake about it, all of this is being engineered by an increasingly onerous and dangerous federal government intent on "crusifying" anyone who stands in their way. The rather Orwellian named Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued a determination in Herx's favor in January 2012 and a right to sue in February. This after and in spite of a Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the right of religious institutions to terminate employment on religious grounds. Seems the EEOC wants a do over and over, and over, and over until it hears what it wants to hear.

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