Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Too much info

Typing out these lousy 300-700 words gets tougher every day. Not because there’s nothing to talk about. It’s the exact opposite. There’s so much it’s hard to get started. It’s like a kid with a pass for a scoop of ice cream at shop with a 157 flavors. More time is spent looking and trying to decide what to get than can be justified for a free scoop of ice cream.

We’re 15 trillion in debt. No one cares. What’s important is that Rush Limbaugh called a woman who wants to add her contraceptive costs to the national debt a slut.

The idiots in this administration declared the war on terror over. They might have checked with the people who first declared the war – the terrorists – if they agree. But that assessment might have slowed the announcement that the war was over. But none of that’s important. What’s important is that a kid who looks like the P-BO’s son, if he had one, was killed by a white Hispanic.

Every aspect of the federal government is in disarray. The Secret Service is being serviced in not so secret ways. The GSA “watchdogs” are the dogs looting the treasury for personal use. The military is laced with sycophantic yes men looking to protect the “boss” and defend diversity more than to protect and defend their own troops. The DOJ has Brian Terry’s blood on their hands because of an anti 2nd amendment gun running scheme that would make the 3 Stooges look like Mensa candidates by comparison. They turn a blind eye to blatant crime because the perps look like the P-BO’s sons, if he them, and are Eric the wad Holder’s “people.” The Dep of Energy pees away 10s of billions of dollars on “green energy” pipedreams that go broke, catch fire, blow up and create more environmental hazards in their production and disposal than they could possibly off-set in a million years even if they all functioned perfectly – which none of them do. Meanwhile production of proven energy sources are rejected out of hand or mired in decades of red tape costing hundreds of millions dollars before the first shovel of dirt can be moved. Public education in nothing more than a propaganda mill being run by teacher’s unions for their own benefit. College education has the same goal but costs 10 times more and the P-BO wants you to pay the cost of that indoctrination as well. The State Dep, being run by the supposed “smartest woman in the world,” can’t even translate a single word - “Reset” – to Russian correctly for a photo that in hindsight now appears dumber than the translation. That should be the P-BO’s “Mission Accomplished” moment. Hillary standing with her fouled up “reset” button while Putin funnels arms to Syrian murdering SFB Assad.

And yet the lamestreammeadia continue to ask the tough questions that Americans are demanding answers to: Why did Mitt Romney put his dog Seamus in a carrier on top of the car? If we could just get a satisfactory answer to that question, we could move on to the important issues like: Why has Ann Romney never worked a day in her life?

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