Thursday, April 05, 2012

Mitt's challenge

Mitt Romney will have a tough row to whenever Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich finally wake up, smell the coffee and discover the primary was over after MI and OH, which sadly won’t be until the start of 2016 campaign. We know that the MSM are slavish peon hacks for the P-BO. We know that very few the A list Hollywood types will come out for Romney and none will dare say anything that can be construed as so much as a limiting statement on the P-BO let alone tell the truth about him - that his presidency has been a colossal failure in every respect.

It is also becoming clear that the morons who run our public schools will be openly shilling for the P-BO. I read last week where one school “teacher” had students doing opposition research for the P-BO. Nice. Now there’s this from a VA elementary school. During the VA Republican primary where the school was being used as a polling place, some dim wit teacher named Kristin Martin told her students that “Republicans are stupid” and “they don’t care about anyone but wealthy people and businesses.” Perfect.

But that’s not even the scary part. The scary is that the woman who blew whistle on the Martin won’t reveal her name for fear of retribution against her daughter or a visit to her home from the OWS crowd, union thugs, a Trayvon justice league retribution hit, a NBP bounty being placed on her or her child’s head, an IRS audit or the DOJ investigating her for a hate crime.

Wake up Mr. and Mrs. America! We’re becoming afraid of our own government and public servants? The Governor should step in, take on the union and direct the State’s Attorney General conduct a full scale investigation of the teacher, the school and the union.

But hey we could all just go along to get along and let the know nothings in public education brainwash our kids and watch compliantly while the American dream vanishes.

Then there's this
A group of kids who look like the P-BO - that is both black and white - beat 78 year old Dallas Watts in Toledo the other day.  While beating Mr. Watts the P-BO youth told him that the beating was for Trayvon, who we all know looked like the P-BO's son if had one.  No statement yet from the White House on the race war developing at their behest.

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