Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Stuff you cannot make up

Current TV "values" for creepy people
Does anyone else find it odd that AlGore’s Current TV fired Keith Olberman because Olberman failed to honor Current TV’s “values” then they go and hire whorehouse –patron Eliot Spitzer? So just what are Current TV’s values? In the bizarro world of AlGore it is much preferable to be an egotistical brain dead whorehouse Lib slime ball than just an egotistical brain dead Lib slime ball hosting a show that no one watches.

It ain't over until Ricky is humiliated again and again and again
Rick Santorum got skunked last night and if Santorum was skunked, what descriptive terms are left for Gingrich and Paul? Yet, they vow to fight on. What fight? At this point I wouldn’t walk across the street to shake Rick Santorum’s hand if he was giving away free beer. He remains, as always, the whinny loser. I think it’s time for those who made Santorum, i.e. Beck and Limbaugh, to get behind Romney and get Santorum out of the race.

Budget we don't need no stinkin' budget
Is it weird or is it just me that the P-BO comes out and attacks the Ryan budget that passed the House of Representatives when his own budget was 414 to 0 failure? Yeah, not one Demo-Dope voted for the P-BO’s budget. Yet the chief D-bag, when he’s not lying about P-BOcare and the Supreme Court’s role reviewing the 2,700 page piece of crap, takes to the campaign trail to mock a budget that has far more support than his own piece-O-$h!t budget that could not get even one Demo-Dope vote. Meanwhile over in the Dope controlled Senate the chief agitator’s 2011 budget went down to defeat 97-0. Scrawny Harry is so sure it won’t get even one vote again this year refuses to bring the P-BO’s 2012 budget up for a vote. So no one, not one elected representative or senator supports the P-BO. To make matters worse, land thief and cowboy poetry reading bike trail supporter Scrawny Harry Reid has not even proposed a budget in over 1,000 days. There is far more support for the Ryan budget than anything the Dopes have come up with. With the MSM in their hip pocket, the Dopes know that they don’t have to do anything but demagogue whatever the Republicans come up with.

Green energy saving the day again
There is another green energy boondoggle. In Reno, NV one wind turbine that cost the city $21,000 to install saved the city $4 on its energy bill. Perfect! In 5,250 years the wind turbine will have paid for itself, provided it doesn’t require any maintenance or new parts between now an then. Of course if the P-BO has his way, energy prices are going “to necessarily skyrocket” which should help amortize the 21K in 5, 220 years. Way to go Barry. You’re doing a heck of a job.

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