Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A race baiters dream come true

I was looking at a couple web sites, it doesn’t matter which ones, about George Zimmerman’s release from prison. The articles were not nearly as informative as the comments below the articles.

Each time, the comments devolved into an argument about weather or not the white Hispanic was guilty of murdering the kid who like the P-BO’s son, if he had one. The key to the blog commenting wannbe lawyers seems to boil down to who started the fight. Depending on which side the comment maker took, he alleged the other guy started it. That was met by, “Well you can’t prove that.”

I think the comment makers have stumbled upon something prosecutor Corey Nifong missed. Proof. The PJ people seemed to stumble upon this thing referred to in the legal community as “proof.” Proof was the one thing missing in the left’s dream case against the Duke lacrosse team. Proof was ever elusive in the overcharging of Casey Anthony. A dead baby must equal murder by mom, not neglect, manslaughter or any other conceivable charge. It’s murder straight and simple. We don’t need no stikin’ proof. Given what we know about the Zimmerman case from the prosecutor’s affidavit, leaked portions of the police report and what we can glean from media sources and talking lawyer heads, you can make whatever you want to from the available facts.

But let’s put this into the starkest light possible, the dead kid looks like the P-BO’s son, if he had one, and the guy who pulled the trigger is white. Well he’s at least a white Hispanic. If the kid looked like Mitt Romney’s kid and the guy who pulled the trigger was looked like the P-BO or his son, if he had one, it would be par for the course and nobody would take much notice. If the kid looked like the P-BO’s son, if he had one, and the guy who pulled the trigger looked like the P-BO, there would be absolutely NOTHING remarkable about another black on black incident ending in death.

To put an even finer point on it, the race baiting industry, which now sadly includes the P-BO and his jack@$$ of an Attorney General, could not care less about the kid who looks like the P-BO’s son, if he had one. The ONLY thing they care about is stirring the racial divide. If they really cared about kids who end up like Trayvon Martin - dead from a gun shot wound - they would spend more time condemning gangs, drugs, out of wedlock children, drop outs and the creepy anything goes music and entertainment industry that glorifies all manner of depravity and plagues all young people. But hell, congregationless SFBs like Revs? Jesse and AL couldn’t make the easy money and would have to get their hands dirty doing real work were they to set up in a neighborhood and try to prevent such things rather than just rolling in on a weekend in $1,000 suit, agitating, passing the plate and moving on when something like Trayvon’s death occurs.

If Zimmerman is found guilty, whites and white Hispanics will breathe a sigh of relief and life will go back to the usual crime stats of blacks killing blacks and blacks assaulting whites in disproportionate percentages. The revs? will crawl back into their holes to count their blood money. And the status quo ante will resume.

If Zimmerman is found not guilty, all hell will break loose. The Revs? the P-BO and his jack@$$ of an Attorney General will call for calm while doing nothing to inspire it. As in the Rodney King case, Eric the wad Holder will file federal civil rights charges within half an hour. The big difference between LA after the Rodney King verdict is that whites and white Hispanics will be ready for the reaction being inspired by the Revs? and the P-BO administration. Sadly, the one industry that is booming under the P-BO is the gun industry.

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