Friday, April 20, 2012

What do the photos tell us?

Photos of US troops posing over or peeing on dead terrorists are not good news. This is all George Eastman’s fault. His invention of paper based photographic paper allowed nearly everyone to become a photographer and now with digital phones and iPods nearly everyone is. A picture says a 1,000 words.  What these photos are saying, nay shouting, is that much of our political and military "leadership" is composed of dopes or worse - cowards.

We are told that the photos will inflame those followers of the religion of peace - those perpetually offended Mohammad Atta types looking for a reason, any reason no matter how slight, to fly a passenger plane into a tall building somewhere. The fact is that just drawing a breath while not believing in every syllable of the hokum contained in the koran is reason enough for these lunatics to slit your throat. Ask Daniel Pearl.

Let’s stipulate that taking the photos in this day and age of facebook, mindless blogs, twitter photo, viral youTube clips etc. was dumb. What is much, much, much dumber is for anyone in a position of authority to act as if they didn’t know that such things might occur in today’s digital world where everyone, it seems, wants to share everything with everyone else. What is much, much, much dumber still is for the same people who pretend they didn’t know that some kid might kneel next to dead Taliban he shot from a 1,000 yards and snap a photo as if it were trophy deer, is for those same people to say such photos will enrage the enemy.

NEWS FLASH!!! They were already enraged. Barring some Islamo-Terror-Fascist reformation, they will remain enraged until the day they die. THE PHOTOS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

That is the only lesson the West needs to learn from all of this.

But as usual, we have “government and military leaders” tripping all over themselves seeing who get to a microphone first with most over the top condemnation of the troops. They are cowards.

Here are some talking points for someone with a brain:

-  War, combat, men fighting for their very lives with guns and bombs is a disgusting and dirty business. That is why the overwhelming majority of us decide not to enter that line of work.
-  Those who do are under tremendous stress.
-  At times discipline breaks down under stress.
-  From the time of the very first photograph, photographers have been filling books with photos of dead criminals and warriors.
-  Today’s technology has made the snapping of such pictures ubiquitous.
-  Not every photo taken in today’s environment is in good taste.
-  We do not condone such pictures.
-  In fact, it is prohibited by our Law of Land Warfare.
-  Still, discipline brakes down and such things occur more frequently than we would like.
-  In the big scheme of things, such photos do not amount to much more than someone speeding down the highway on Sat morning.
-  Anyone who thinks such photos are the proximate cause for the ITF is an idiot who does not know the enemy.
-  The proximate causes for our 10 year Afghan war are two fold: (1) The koran and a large enough percentage of its followers willing to kill anyone who does not believe in the writings contained therein. (2) Our unwillingness to kill the ITF as efficiently as our technology and our magnificent military men would allow us.
-  Those photos are a result of every “military man” and politician who would not allow rules of engagement and military activity that would have killed the enemy in numbers large enough to have allowed us to exit this mess 6 years ago.
-  We will deal with the men who took these pictures and posed in them in a manner proportionate to the crime. They will start digging a hole for the gunny and not stop until they find a Chinaman.
-  Anyone who uses these brave men as scapegoats for “enflaming” a bunch of brain dead terrorists has committed a much graver crime, giving a terrorists cover for his activity.
-  Those who would give any solace to the enemy or excuse their actions based on these photos are sanctimonious, self-serving, un-American bastards that should be shunned by decent people.

Case closed.

1 comment:

Crusader said...
