Monday, November 05, 2012

Mitt's the man

Lex endorses Mitt Romney for President of the United States.

Let’s face it. From the very beginning, we all knew Colin black like me Powell, Nanny Bloomberg, and the NY Times were all going to endorse Little Barry. The world has waited to see which side Lex would come down on. Now the world knows. This highly coveted endorsement should be enough to tip the scales in favor of Romney. I hope so.

I can’t understand why anyone would even want the job. That said, America is fortunate that a man like Mitt Romney has stood up and vigorously pursued a job that is going to be so monumental, there really is little hope of doing what will need to be done in a scant 4 years. Mitt Romney is so obviously the right man for this time, it’s difficult to see how he doesn’t win by 25 points. The only reason this election will be close is because the wagon is loaded with nearly as many riders as pullers. This has to be Romney’s number one priority – to get people out of the wagon.

It seems to me that Romney is the obvious and right choice for point in time of American history. Little Barry has spent so much time blaming Bush, the only real question for Little Barry after Romney’s inauguration is, whose economy is Romney inheriting, yours or George Bush’s? Now if Little Barry should be able to cheat enough to win, if he thinks things were screwed up after his first inauguration, wait until he sees the mess he’ll be inheriting after the second.

The task will be daunting. Not only will Romney have to deal with the very real problem facing the nation, he’ll have to do so while dealing with lying, thieving, recalcitrant, anti-American Demo-Dopes like America’s most well known pederast Harry the roach Reid. The roach has already put Romney on notice that that Dopes will not work with Romney saying : "Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable." The roach needs to know that this is what elections are all about. We pray the roach will be relegated to back bencher status after the new congress is sworn in. Not only will Romney will have to deal with scum bags like the roach, he’ll have to guard his right flank as well from the Republi-Rat useful idiots like Chris Christie and John Boehner.

For Little Barry supporters I offer this:

Vote Romney to avoid the impeachment of the first half-black president.

This bumper sticker logic is only half in jest. Benghazi is not going away. In spite of Jerry Rivers’ (aka Geraldo Rivera) intense defense of Little Barry on Fox and Friends, there are more questions about Benghazi than there are questions in the box of a Trivial Pursuit game. They are not going away.

The statements from Little Barry, Slowest of all Joes, Shrilldabeast Clinton, Jay the carnny barker Carney, UN Ambassador Susan sure I’d be happy to lie for you Rice, Leon perfect intell Panetta and the CIA are all inconsistent with what is widely known to be the truth. The most basic and obvious truth is that the video this administration blamed for the 9-11-12 attack against American interests in Benghazi for TWO WEEKS had NOTHING WHAT-SO-EVER to do with it. Steven Hayes has it all laid out here in a short two minute read at the Weekly Standard.

So, if you like Little Barry – you’re an idiot – but it may be in Little Barry’s best interest to just fade away rather than being impeached. That being the case, maybe you do him a favor by not showing up on Tues or even showing up and voting Romney.

One thing we have learned, the louder creepy bastards like Jerry Rivers shout, “everyone but Little Barry is lying” the more we notice that Little Barry is lying. Keep it up Jerry. You’re doing a heck of job. When Jerry’s done here, maybe he can get back to doing something he’s actually qualified for - prying open dead gangsters safes.

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