Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The soft bigotry of low expectations

Back when unemployment was about 4% and gas cost about a buck eighty, when referring to failing inner city minorities trapped in failing public schools, because union educators thought the deck was stacked too steeply against them, George W. Bush talked about the “soft bigotry of low expectations.” In W’s view, just because they were poor didn’t mean that they could not learn to read and do math. The thought being that we should expect kids to do well in school irrespective of their income.

Today unemployment is about 8% and gas costs somewhere north of $3.50 and the racist lapdog crap weasel MSM is using the soft bigotry of low expectations to give a pass to three of their favorite affirmative action pass throughs. The congressional black caucus is screaming foul because Sens McCain, Graham and Ayotte are questioning UN Ambassador Susan Rice’s truthfulness and/or competence for going on five Sunday shows to try to sell the preposterous notion that that the Benghazi attack was the result of a video no one saw. In protecting the lying and/or incompetent Rice, CNN’s brain-dead crap weasel Dana the dope Bash went so far as to say that you have two rich white old men attacking an African-American women, and that’s a fight she’d take any day.

So in crap weasel Bash’s journalistic world it’s the optics of the story that are important rather than the facts or truth. And speaking of truth, crap weasel Bash ignores the fact that NH female Senator Kelly Ayotte leveled the same charges as McCain and Graham. So at minimum it would be two rich old white men and a young woman leveling the charges.

So if you have a lying and/or incompetent UN Ambassador, it’s OK as long as the ambassador is a woman or minority. If the ambassador is a woman AND a minority well then she’s bullet proof. She can go on tv and tell the most idiotic story about the circumstances under which four dead Americans died and if anyone has the nerve to question the the affirmative action pass through’s BS story – particularly if they happen to be rich, white and old – well then the story becomes about those questioning the lying and/or incompetent pass through.

That is the soft bigotry of low expectations. The affirmative action pass through’s deeds are ignored and the story becomes the background of those accusing her of being a lying and/or incompetent boob.

The same goes for the complete double D-bag who sent Rice out on those shows with a bag of lies in the first place. The crap weasel MSM has so much invested in Little Barry’s success that they will dutifully ignore the fact that they were all lied to on that Sunday morning. They further ignore the fact that the President of the United States lied six times to the UN General Assembly about the cause of the attacks at Benghazi. The same crap weasel MSM that went ballistic over six words in a State of the Union address by GWB about yellow cake uranium that unfortunately introduced the world to America’s most super secret spy Valerie Plame and her tag along husband Joe, is silent when Little Barry goes on a two week lying binge.

That is the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Then there’s Eric the wad holder. A complete incompetent if ever there was one. There is a dead border patrol agent killed with a weapon the wad put into the murderer’s hand and the crap weasel media is…silent.

That is the soft bigotry of low expectations.

It’s like the 8th grade teacher who excuses multiple absences, sleeping in class, disruptions and failing grades from a minority kid from a poor and broken home. They pass the kid on because they don’t want to be saddled with him again next year, and, well gee, the poor kid just can’t be held to the same standard as the other kids because he’s poor.

The same is true of Little Barry, the wad and Rice. The crap weasel MS cannot hold these affirmative action pass throughs to the same standard because they are, well, affirmative action pass throughs. As such we cannot expect as much from them as a white male who made it on his own.

That is the soft bigotry of low expectations.

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