Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Live well and laugh at them

My plan for coping with the disaster of Nov 6th, is to live well and ridicule the left. That was the same plan I had before the election. Gee, I guess Nov 6th didn’t change much. We still have the know nothing, do nothing, be nothing affirmative action pass through Little Barry and his @$$clown administration at the helm trying to dismantle America - the greatest machine for good the Earth has ever known. You have John let’s make a deal Boehner running the house and Harry the roach Reid doing nothing in the senate.

Really what can go wrong? Sadly, everything. We’re in another two year holding pattern hoping to tread water until the mid-term election. We are like Tom Hanks’ character in the movie Castaway. We get up every morning hoping something has washed up on shore that will be useful.

There are a couple of strategies that can be employed. First is the nuclear strategy. Let the country hit rock bottom as soon as possible. Take the Bill Kristol approach and give Little Barry everything he wants. Raise taxes, cut defense, higher deficits, more regulation etc. etc. Crash the country before the mid-terms and as a result of the disaster, win big.

That strategy has an appeal. It places 100% of the blame for the impending crash on Little Barry and his @$$clowns. It also has the advantage of affecting the Little Barry voters most adversely. It’s unlikely the Hollywood swells and the lady screaming about a free cell phone would do well when food and fuel become scarce. Lay on 300Lbs each of rice, beans and spam and learn to like what you can make with those ingredients.

The other strategy is the American strategy. Beat the government at their own game. When the know nothings in Washington DC set the rules, beat them like a drum at game they have rigged against you. If the threshold for higher taxes is a million dollars which means $250,000 in DC speak, divest down to $250,000.

Here’s an idea that will blow them away, work in trade. Can you see the IRS trying to figure out an electrician’s bill that traded the meat processing plant a weeks worth of work for 7 sides of beef that the owner then in part paid his employees with? I know one thing for certain, while many fortunes have been lost by being stupid, 99.9% of rich people did not achieve their status by being stupid. Whatever hare-brained schemes the brain dead in DC come up with, savvy business people will find a way to protect their money and profit from the new rules.

Just a thought or two on the Patraeus scandal.
Something’s not right with this. How did Broadwell get the gig as the General’s biographer? While obviously a smart, although not very bright, individual, I don’t see much in her resume that says to me, yeah let’s give her total access to the General for a year to write a book.

And if that doesn’t make any sense, explain to me what the hell an "an unpaid social liaison” is. That is the position the third party in this mess, Jill Kelly held at Central Command in Tampa, FL. That makes no sense either. Military guys and gals know that Central Command has a paid staff to do “social liaison” for general officers.

It’s called the protocol office. They arrange briefing books for general officers for social events. They tell the general where to stand, where to sit, what gift to bring, if remarks will be made, if so what to say, what dignitaries will be at the event with their bios. General officers also have aides that coordinate the general’s schedule. They get their charge to right place at the right time in the proper uniform. Given that, what the hell do you need an "an unpaid social liaison” for?

There’s a great conspiracy theory somewhere in all of this.

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