Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Make the deal John

John let’s make a deal Boehner is in a pickle. Little Barry hold all the cards. Little Barry wants taxes to go up. If the truth were known, Little Barry wants taxes to go up across the board, because he knows the real money in the tax code comes from the middle class.

Little Barry also wants the defense budget cut. Last, Little Barry is quite certain no politician will vote to cut social spending to the degree demanded by the sequester. If they do, the first order of business in congress in Jan will be to pass legislation to restore that spending.

So what is Johnny B to do? Compromise. Here’s how it’s done. Boehner says, alright LB let’s raise taxes on millionaires. And to make sure we hit millionaires and only millionaires we will set the threshold for that tax a 1.2 million in adjusted combined earnings. There you have it. Your campaign promise is kept. What’s next?

Of course Little Barry cannot take the deal, because he knows it’s not big enough. Then Boehner says, look you won the vote. Elections have consequences. The majority of voters in the blue states agree with your tax and spend policies. So I’m happy to raise the taxes in the states that you won to whatever level you decide is necessary. The majority of people in those states should be quite happy to support your economic plan.

I do not know why that wouldn’t work. The tax code is already an abomination. It is 100,000 pages of undecipherable gobbledy gook designed to pick life’s winners and losers, encourage and discourage certain behaviors of a supposedly free people and a bludgeon used by ruling class politicians to keep the surfs in check. This plan requires a one page addendum that lists the blue states and the increase percentage of tax people who live in those states are required to pay. Of course you’d need to add a tutorial on how to figure a percentage for the public school grades that live in those states.

If I were Boehner, I’d seriously propose this solution. Even if it’s shot down it would make the point in a very graphic manner that elections have consequences. It has the added advantage of determining if a collective “hell yes” from southern and western states would be heard in CA and NY.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Griffin from Houston..
Companies have cash. Capital gains, dividends, taxes, all going up. So they will their gains this year. Losses next year. And the corporations will buy back their own stock because they will not be investing in new buildings, equipment, etc. The wait on the election is over. The stock market is dropping. More layoffs coming. This is called "hunkering down". The Griffin did invest in firearm manufacturers stock though.Up 10% since the election. I wonder why?