Thursday, November 29, 2012

We should kill the goose that lays golden eggs to run the government for 8.5 days

We are in a bizzaro world. As the government owned, operated and maintained automobile of state speeds toward a “fiscal cliff” full tilt, the owner operators of the automobile that they have controlled the speed and direction of for the last 40 years are bitching that some hitch hiker they sped by 20 years ago is responsible for the mess they find themselves in.

Rather than hit the breaks, turn around or even just slow the hell down, the arrogant ruling class of the United States has decided that the mess we are in is not the fault of the ruling class who legislated the cliff. It is not the fault of the ruling class who legislated the debt that is the road to the cliff. It is not the fault of the ruling class who legislated the insane sugar daddy, nanny state federal government that gives away everything from cell phones to birth control, and regulates everything from breathing to defecating while putting automatic weapons into the hands of criminals and withholding weapons and people to use them from our Benghazi consulate. No. It’s not the ruling class’s fault at all.

It’s all some guy named Grover’s fault. Now, let’s be clear. Grover did not propose, pass or even vote on one bill that has gotten us into the mess we’re in. Quite the opposite Grover has been on the side of the road to the cliff shouting STOP!

That has been Grover’s great crime. He’s been yelling STOP! Some of the ruling class, but far too few, have listened to Grover and said that they will do what is in their power reduce and hold government spending and taxation to minimum. Now as the cliff looms ever closer the problem is all Grover’s fault.

Republi-Rats and Demo-Dopes alike are POd at Grover. Some of the ruling class who promised to support Grover in return for being accepted into the ruling class are now POd at him. Why? Any promises the ruling class made were to their dupe constituents not to Grover. Yet they treat Grover as if he were the devil that they made some deal with. They didn’t. The devil they made the deal with was the voters of their district or state. As such they do not need to beg Grover for release from the deal they made. If the ruling class thinks it’s a good idea to go back on a pledge to voters, then they need to beg the voters. They will of course face a strong primary challenge if they do that. So they blame Grover. It’s just easier.

Once the Republi-Rats cave on taxes they will raise enough funds to run the government for a whopping 8.5 days. Totally worth casting principle aside, no? But then what? If you give Little Barry and the Dopes what they want, you’ve solved 8.5 days of the problem. Then what?

This seems such and easy argument to win. But you have to win the argument against Little Barry and the Little Barry cell phone lady. As such, the argument can not be won, because the argument for these Dopes is not about solving a problem. Raising taxes on the top 2% to run the government for 8.5 days solves nothing. What it is - is a purely punitive measure. That is the only point of the insane policy – punish successful people. Little Barry and Little Barry cell phone lady will shout with glee as if their own lot in life has somehow improved by punishing these people.

It hasn’t. In fact, in the case of the Little Barry cell phone lady, the measure will probably make her lot worse. But the ignoramus will shout with glee that rich people “suck” while dancing in the streets as she watches the goose who laid her “free” cell phone slowly bleeds to death.

It’s almost worth saying, f&^k ‘em. Give ‘em what they want. We’ll be fine. They won’t and never will. But it is not in our nature to quit or to be punitive – even to people who so desperately need it - like the Little Barry cell phone lady – a societal leech if ever there was one.

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