Thursday, November 01, 2012

YGBSM! They can't be that dumb.

Leaving most Americans behind
During the Demo-Dope national convention, Little Barry pledged to, “leave no American behind.” Then on 9-11-12, he left 30 Americans behind to fend for themselves through a 7 hour attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Yesterday, using Sandy victims as extras and NJ Gov. Chris Christie as a useful idiot, Little Barry was back on message. With 10,000 questions about why 30 Americans were “left behind” in Benghazi, 4 of whom died, Little Barry again vowed to a MESSNBC audience to “leave no American behind.”

For anyone with a brain, what Little Barry really means is, “we leave no American behind” if it’s politically expedient for Little Barry. Otherwise, you’re pretty much on your own.

I think Benghazi is a gift to Romney if he wants to open it. Media are actually using Romney as an excuse not to pursue the story. The meme goes, “what’s the big deal with Benghazi? Not even Romney is bringing it up.”

I know why Romney doesn’t bring this up. It’s like you’re running the ball for 4 or 5 yards a carry in the last minutes of a tied football game. Why pass? Besides, most Americans probably confuse Benghazi with Ben Gazara.

Romney could simply say, “I think Little Barry owes the American people an explanation about what he was doing from the time the attack began to when he learned about the ambassador being murdered to flying off to Las Vegas to leave no campaign money behind.” If not Romney, someone in the campaign should make the point.

Billy Boy
If Little Barry’s BS about who gets “left behind” where and when has the sound of a craven @$$ weasel, check out Billy Boy put some ice on Clinton’s remarks. Billy boy told a crowd in MN yesterday, Republicans “have a wholesale effort going on to prove rape and incest are not problems.”

Huh? That’s like Teddy Kennedy telling women that republicans want to drive them off a bridge and let them drown in the backseat of the car. The narcissistic, lying, disgraced, groping, exposing, rapist of a former president would just now be up for parole if Demo-Dopes, his enabling Shrilldabeast of a wife and the lapdog media hadn’t covered for worthless lying @$$.

MESSNBC Romney’s charity isn’t really charity
Before they came under scrutiny, Little Barry and his blundering VP donated about 2% of their income to charity. Romney started at 10% to the Mormon Church and goes up from there to about 30% of his income. Unlike Little Barry and his doltish chief bag carrier of a VP, Romney’s charity isn’t political a prop. This is how the man has lived. He donated his ENTIRE inheritance to Brigham Young University.

So Hurricane Sandy hits. What does Romney do? He suspends his campaign and organizes relief using his buses and already scheduled events to raise money, food and other supplies. God bless him…right? Wrong.

MESSNBC took the opportunity of Romney helping out to trash him. The Red Cross wants cash, not food, bitched MESSNBC chief bitch Andrea Mitchell and it was downhill from there.

They complained that Romney’s effort was political. So actually raising money, food and supplies and transporting them to the stricken zone is political and flying around NJ at a 1,000 feet with a useful idiot and a pack of reporters is…what?

The lapdog media’s response to Romney’s charity is useful in one respect. Criticizing Romney’s earnest efforts is so transparent even Slow Joe chains Biden knows it’s all BS. MESSNBC’s reaction to Romney’s Sandy relief efforts is akin to some more Candy please Crowley’s dim witted effort to screw Romney in the 2nd debate. Everyone can see the @$$bag media for what they are.

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