A fake news report of the White House coming under attack yesterday sent the stock market tumbling triple digits.
This is weird on a couple of levels. When is the lapdog MSM NOT making it up as they go? Seems to me, if false reports out of the MSM were the criteria for the markets crashing, they’d crash about every day.
Besides, the economy is in the tank, so wouldn’t investors be excited by the prospect of new policy? Uh oh, that’s it. Who would be setting the new policy? The markets tanked on the prospect of Slow Joe garden variety slap Biden taking over. That being the case, only a 153 point drop? With the prospect of two blasts and a garden variety slap phony Joe running things, the floor should have dropped out 700-800 points – at least.
You try to capture a terrorist alive so that you can interrogate him. Then the geniuses in the White House decide that he’ll be Mirandized and treated like the guy who double parked at the library with all of the requisite civil rights.
So you spend a ton of money to take the little bastard alive. You spend another ton of money to save his worthless life with the best medical care (for now anyway) in the world. Then you spend another ton of money to try the worthless piece of human debris in civil court. Then you spend another ton of money keeping the little excrement smear alive in prison for decades while he exercises his endless line of appeals. Then after he lives a rather long life, maybe the little bastard gets the needle. WTF?
What’s the point? If you’re not even going to try to get information via enhanced interrogation from the guilty as sin creep, why take him alive in the first place?
After the administration decided not take a hard line with the terrorist, I’d have convened the Robertscare death panel at Beth Israel Medical Center.
In other shocking news, it turns out the Shrilldabeast was lying her ample extra wide butt off when she told congressional investigators that she didn’t know anything about requests for additional security in Benghazi. But hey, what difference does it make?
As far as Clinton lies go this is just one more in a line of Clinton lies longer than the center markers on US 70. Given the state of the American electorate, 4 dead Americans on her watch at state should have no bearing what-so-ever on the Beast’s 2016 prospects.
Lex isn't the only one who thinks it's weird that a lone gunman can shut down an entire city. Check this out.
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