Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Veterans and Thatcher

Back to back front page stories in the local fish wrap on Veterans run afoul of the law got me to thinking, what other backgrounds do the media exploit in a “news story?”  We rarely, if ever read that gang violence is largely due to drop out illegitimate children of welfare mothers.

We know the Sec of Homeland Security has nothing but contempt for returning vets.  Now it seems to me we are on the verge of Hollywood and the lapdog media turning every veteran into some hapless drug addled loser using PTSD as crutch for not being able to get out of bed in the morning. The lapdogs want to give Ft. Hood murdering bastard Hassan a pass for PTSD even though the coward never so much as visited Iraq or Afghanistan.  They claim he got it by proxy from interviewing returning war vets.  Does the BS get any deeper than that?  Vietnam vets know the treatment. 

So I sent them a letter.

Re: War vet gets 50 years…& A different court for vets?

As it seems one’s service to one’s country can have a direct influence on one’s behavior, I’m okay with identifying Anthony Ochs and Justin York as veterans in the Saturday and Sunday headlines of the JG.

Will the JG extend the policy of identifying the backgrounds of all criminals?

How about these:
Lifetime welfare addict convicted of fraud.
Illegitimate son of lifetime welfare addict gets 25 years for drug dealing.
High school drop out and 4th bastard son of lifetime welfare addict gets 50 years for murder.

Military service, welfare dependency, illegitimacy and high school drop outs are backgrounds that all correlate to overall higher crime rates. I’ll wager that of those groups, veterans far and away return more to society than any of the others – probably combined.

So, why is the JG’s emphasis only on veterans’ crime?

RIP Margaret Thatcher
If Thatcher was the Iron Lady, what does that make John Boehner and most Republicans?
Jello man
Silly string boy
Dead soft malleable metal man
Tin foil man
20 gage copper wire boy
Silly putty man
Shifting sand man
Spine of thread man

It’s not that our guys put up the good fight and get beaten. Our guys never fight for anything. It seems they are always in retreat in the hope of finding a better position for the next fight.

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