Monday, April 08, 2013

Trust us. We're from the government.

For last several election cycles, congress’s approval rating has been lower than a World Cup soccer score at half time. Yet we the people manage to send 90+% of them back to their entrenched jobs election after election.

The only slight blip has been on the Republican side. They have at least tried to change the formula that has gotten us 17 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT through a series of primary races to replace beltway barnacles on our side. Several times this has blown up in the Republican’s faces. We want a new slate of candidates. The further from the Washington D.C. experience the better. But as soon as the new candidates make an error on the stump, we dump them and pine for the old bastard.

So, for good reason, congressional approval is in the dumpster. These are the American ruling class that heap great praise and benefit on one another and themselves while doing very little to make things better for anyone but themselves.

But we’re a dopey people. We send the same representatives to Washington election after election and some how expect that by sending the same dope back to Washington, we’ll get a better result.

Now we are engaged in great debates on the meaning of the Second Amendment, the meaning of the word marriage and meaning of national borders. Irrespective of which side of the argument you support on these issues, why the in the world would you trust anyone in congress to do what is right for you?

You support background checks. Fine, done by whom? Can you trust the people doing the background checks? Anyone who thinks the government ought to determine whether you’re fit to exercise the rights that are there to protect you from the very government you’re willing to let determine your “fitness” to exercise those rights has lost their mind.

For my money and according to the Second Amendment, I already have all the background check required for a gun purchase, a driver’s license and/or a military ID. If I make a major purchase with my Master Card the merchant can check my ID immediately and I get a call from the bank within 30 minutes asking about the transaction. So, why is it there needs to be a 3 day waiting period to buy a gun while background checks are done? Master Card can check immediately. It’s simple. The Washington power elite don’t want you to be able to buy a gun.

And answer me this. Why is it that many of the people who want to infringe on your Second Amendment rights with IDs, waiting periods and background checks, think anyone who walks into a polling place on Election Day ought to be able to vote with no ID, registration or proof of residency? They want an ID, a waiting period and a background check to perform a constitutionally protected activity like the purchase a firearm, but they squeal like stuck pigs if anyone dare suggest we require a photo ID for voting.

But I’m sure if we just send the same people back to Washington one more election cycle, they will start to listen to us.

A realistic insight into blogging and MSNBC
Finally someone nails it! For big sis whose kids travel PMSNBC. The headline of the post about covers it.

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