Wednesday, April 03, 2013


A common phrase these days is: We’re approaching a tipping point. Well, I think we’ve tipped, and like when a heavy object – let’s say a large safe - tips off a tall building, there’s little chance of recovery before that object hits the ground.

One clear sign that we have dropped off the edge and are now accelerating toward terminal velocity is the cultural rot that is at best taken for granted and at worst actually celebrated.

Illegitimacy used to be something that was rare and something people tried to keep quiet. Today it is nearly as common place as a child born to a married couple. Today about 40% of all babies in America are born without the benefit of a father.

Illegitimacy scorned? No. There are tv shows about it and the single mothers are celebrated as heroes for raising families “alone.”

First, the problem is wholly preventable. It is not as if these people deserve the hero worship and benefits of people who through no fault of their own are stricken by cancer or some other debilitating disease and who go on to fight the good fight.

Second, the last thing these unwed mothers are doing is raising the family alone. They are in line for every benefit imaginable paid for by governments that are broke. Because they were raised on the dole, the off spring of single mothers are about 80% more likely to end up in line for public benefits. They are more likely to fail in school. They are more likely to end up in trouble with the law. Even if everything goes well for them, statistically they will earn less money than a child raised with a mother and a father.

We can all sit back and laugh at Modern Family on tv until the real world intervenes. Then we discover that what looked funny on tv proves to have very real and dire consequences.  We want to blame someone or something.

Look at the video link two posts under. Hundreds of teenagers disrupt activity on one Chicago’s largest tourist attractions in one of its most expensive neighborhoods. One lady complains that she pays $17,000 in taxes as if she can pay enough to keep the unwashed masses out of her line of sight.

The community activist in the video warns parents to look after their children. That’s good advice. Except given what we see on the video, statistically 70% of those children (blacks) only have ONE parent. A warning to “parents” carries some weight. A warning to a single parent about her kids is a signal to social services to step in.  And we all know that that always ends well.

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