Thursday, April 04, 2013

Standards, thumpers and fiscal responsibility

Relax the standards. Then ignore the results.
Hard to believe but, two women Marines failed the physically demanding inventory Combat Endurance Test at the Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer’s Course. They will continue to fail it en mass until the test is eased to accommodate them.

Neither will women be able to perform the tasks of men at artillery and tank schools. Yet at some point great fanfare will be made of the first woman graduate of these establishments. No one will note the myriad of special accommodations that had to be made to facilitate the “graduation.”

That’s not important. What’s important is that women are proven to be equal to men - even if they aren’t. But we will not truly have evolved as a society until the first lesbian couple graduates IOC.

News flash to the Department of Defense – Men and women are different.

O’Really and Bible thumpers
Rush Limbaugh apparently got under Billbo O’Really’s skin when he pointed that O’Really referred to anyone relying solely on Biblical reference to oppose gay marriage as thumping the Bible.

First, if you have only one argument against “gay marriage,” basing that argument on the greatest most widely read book in history wouldn’t be a bad thing and wouldn't be disparaged by most people.  Try basing it on the koran and see if anyone pipes up in opposing you.

Next, I have yet to hear the single argument theory O’Really is railing against. If there is a single argument, it’s the slippery slope argument i.e. if you allow “gay marriage,” why not let Ted marry Alice and Jane? And so on.

In an effort to minimize opposition, I’d say the lapdog media are portraying the opponents of gay marriage as a bunch of – in O’Really’s words – Bible thumpers. Billbo fell for it and joined in.

Full disclosure, I got off the O’Really band wagon during the ’08 campaign. It was then that O’Really became a baby splitting simpleton. Reactionaries on the right, reactionaries on the left, and there’s Billbo comfortably in the middle mocking everyone. It was Billy who assured us that LB wasn’t far left bomb thrower and would govern from the middle. How’s that working out for you Billy?

Back in the days when Billy Boy was chasing Larry King, he seemed more enjoyable and less an overbearing jerk. Since he’s been on top, he’s become a Chris Matthews shouting at and hectoring guests. Soon he be spitting all over them as he shouts just like CM over at PMSNBC.

For me, he’s pretty much unwatchable. I try to catch Dennis Miller, but even that is a pain, because O’Really can’t stand to pitch Miller the set up and let Miller run with it. O’Really has to interrupt and try to one up Miller. Fox should give Miller his own show. I’d watch that, unless he had Billy O’Really on as a guest.

If you doubt this assessment, see how much of this you can stand to watch.

$h!t that you cannot make up
When I first heard this, I thought it was an April Fool’s joke. But it’s true.

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