Tuesday, September 03, 2013

McCain: America MUST go to war so world will take feckless boob seriously

There are a lot of things wrong with America.  We have a King Punk occupying the White House.  In between golf outings and vacations, the punk is trying to figure out the Syrian mess he created when, in an unscripted un-telepromptered moment, the punk abandoned the tried and true “all options are on the table” rhetoric for announcing a “red line” if Syria used chemical weapons.

Well guess what, Syria has had chemical weapons used on its people twice now.  After the first use 6 months ago, King Punk was able to plant his head, sail ears and all, so far up his skinny azz he could pretend he didn’t see or hear anything.  The second use garnered a whole lot more exposure.  So much so, that even the punk had to take notice when he pulled his head out for an occasional breath of fresh air.

Now John McCain says the nation MUST go to war to protect the word of King Punk among friends, allies and enemies abroad but whose word mean means less than nothing at home.  The list of lies from this psychopathic fibber  started with closing G’itmo, run through “you can keep your health plan if you like it” and include most recently funding Planned Parenthood with Robertscare dollars, something he swore to the American people WOULD NOT HAPPEN.

If we need to go to war to kill Assad and as many of his deputies as possible, fine.  Kill ‘em.  But don’t tell me we have to go to war to ensure the world takes seriously the most feckless boob ever to occupy the White House.

But the BS doesn’t stop at the top.  It trickles down through the #2 spot which is occupied the biggest phony since Toto exposed the sham of the Wizard of Oz by pulling the curtain back on Professor Marvel.  Sec State has seen one lying incompetent replaced by a lying incompetent “war hero” of a war that NEVER HAPPEND.   Sec Def is an incompetent box of rocks who can’t keep the sides straight in a game of checkers let alone identifying friend from foe in the myriad of ever changing shifting “sides” in the Middle East.

Our military is “led” at the top by a wannabe general who has no compunction what-so-ever to call a US citizen and beg him to suspend his civil rights so as not to offend the enemy.  Our beloved Marine Corps is “led” by another wannabe general whose principles are so fungible that he can be opposed to a policy one day then, after a call from the White House Chief of Staff, have an epiphany and embrace the very policy he opposed the previous day.  A PC zoomie so out of touch with the idea of mounting up, moving out, drawing fire in order to “closing with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver,” he actually wanted to “smash” several Marines involved in that dangerous activity for a moment of poor judgment and political incorrectness.

I’d advise Sen McCain, there may be 10,000 reasons to go to war in Syria.  Protecting the image and/or word of King Punk in the international community is NOT one of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many lies can an administration tell before losing all credibility? I think this one has no credibility. The Benghazi Movie, Fast & Furious Shell Game, ISR Scandal, etc. The mainstream media must be assembling the battle front reports even though the action against Syria has not started. Big Ears is posing for the covers of TIME and others. The Dear Leader and his Amazing Victory! The information we are getting and will get will have to pass through several filters before the press reports to John Q Public. Why believe any of the BS now? The Griffin.