Friday, September 13, 2013

Twitchy for the quick take on CO recall

I like to go to Twitchy to see what people are saying.  It also fits right in with my usual span of attention – about 140 characters.   It’s amazing how clever people can be with just 140 typed characters.  It’s also amazing how stupid they can be.

For instance Piers Morgan tweeted:
I'd like to suggest a new amendment to the U.S. Constitution that enshrines the right NOT to be shot/killed by a gun.

Hmm, covered in the Constitution’s preamble – “insure domestic tranquility”
Covered in the Declaration of Independence’s inalienable rights among them – life
Covered in the ten Commandments -  #6 You shall not murder
Covered in law in about every way possible - to include meting out extra punishment when the judge is able to read the defendant’s mind and determine a “hate crime.”

The best response so far from the twitter crowd came from H2 who indelicately tweeted:
.@piersmorgan we covered that in the Declaration of Independence in the course of telling another asshole Brit to fuck off.

Well said Mr. 2

Piers and other lefty lunatics are probably still smarting from the recall of the Colorado two.  Well they shouldn't worry.  After all, these two recalls occurred in heavily Republican districts, uh, wait, they heavily Demo-Dope districts.  That is bad news.  Well anyway, the right so outspent the left on this, there is no way this can happen again.  Uh, wait, Mikey Bloomberg and friends outspent the 2nd Amendment gang by about 6 to 1.  That's more bad news.

Well then this has to be a clear-cut case of voter suppression.   Hmm, how does that work in a Dope district?  Eric the wad Holder's "people" show up in uniform with clubs and scare away Dope voters leaving what...more Dope voters? 

Hopefully this an awakening of things to come in 2014.


Anonymous said...

If, as Constitutionalists, the evidence we recognize of a long, inexorable slide toward loss of personal freedoms, which has been the foundational theme in American politics since at least 1919, are we not grasping at straws in seeing hope in a very small victory as represented in the Colorado recalls? Are we to hang our hopes of a reversal of this long slide on so insignificant a victory.

Are we possibly making a fundamental error in seeing the battle between left and right, Democrat and Republican, as anything more than a well-staged Kabuki Dance? It strikes me as nothing more than agitprop, which in the greater scheme of things, is really nothing more than a polished, and smartly choreographed script intended to distract us from the subtle erosion of our fundamental rights.

The violation of those rights has been coming from both the left and right, a small bite sometimes, and larger bites now and then, but all with the cumulative result that, like the frog in the slowly heating pot of water, we don't wake to the real threat until it's way too late to do anything about it.

Left, right; what difference does that make? We need to keep our eye on the real ball in play...our Constitutional freedoms, and each side, over the long run, seems to be relentlessly destroying those freedoms.

Need a good read? "The Rise of the Warrior Cop".

Both the Repubs, and the Demos, have been diluting, or ignoring, the Constitutional protections, which the Founders created precisely to shield us from government intrusion and abuse.

The entrenched American Political Elite have become the gravest danger to those sacred principles upon which the nation was founded. I think we're wasting our time focusing on the contrived belief that the left and right are polar opposites. I think they are simply different sides of the same coin, and both, as they exist today, are inimical to our freedoms.

Semper Fidelis,


Melz said...

Well said, Infidel (and thank you for your service) and Lex.

Melz said...

Well said, Infidel (and thank you for your service) and Lex.