Friday, September 20, 2013

Why things go south for our king

Our king does half black foreign policy.  Putin plays white. 

In one of his two books about himself, our king notes that his basketball career was thwarted by his high school B-ball coach, who according to the king, preferred players “who played white.”  You see the king “played black,” but the coach “coached white.”  Wow that is sooooooooooo post racial.  No wonder race relations have improved so much under our enlightened king who speaks lovingly of a “typical white woman.”

The king achieved very little playing time on the team that used an eight man rotation, making the king what…#9 on the talent chart.  But it doesn’t stop there.  The king may not have even made the team at all had a fellow choomer not flunked and drop out of school altogether.

True to his nature, the king complained to anyone who would listen that his playing time was based on his style of play rather than the fact that he simply wasn’t that good.  Loyal Demo-Dope and NBA Commissioner David Stern once noted in an interview, “He’s not that good.  He only goes one way.  I’m just telling it like it is.  He’s not as good as he thinks he is.”

We saw his prowess on the roundball court on full display during the White House Easter egg roll when he missed about 8 shots in a row from the foul line.  We also know that he’s not nearly as good a basketball player as former MA Senator Scott Brown who challenged the king to a game of two on two.  Brown would play with his daughter and the king could pick any elected official in Washington D.C. for his second.  The game never took place.  Why?  Well, as David Stern noted, the king isn’t that good.

But not making your high school varsity basketball team is no shame.  Michael Jordan was cut from his team, reportedly because he had trouble at the foul line.  Now here’s the big difference between Jordan and the king.  While the king smoked dope and complained that “he played black,” Jordan shot free throws everyday until he MADE 500 - everyday.

I would guess that the king didn’t get much playing time because it was easier for him to complain about not playing and make up excuses than it was to put down the marijuana joint and participate in the hard work – like learning how to dribble the ball right handed - that would get him a starting slot.

That’s essentially where we are today, sans the joint – I think.

Have we ever seen a king who took more time off to travel to and fro on the taxpayer dime to play golf?  Have we ever seen more White House concerts and parties for Hollywood swells?  Have we ever seen more campaigning and less actual governing from one of our kings?

And while things steadily go to hell, there’s our king complaining about the Republicans not letting him do what needs to be done.  Meanwhile his lapdog media complain that Republicans don’t like the king because he’s half-black.  Not much has changed from the king’s choom days.  The king can rely on the lapdogs to attribute any policy dispute to race while the king lays about playing golf and campaigning when he’s not on vacation.

Then along comes Putin who apparently does foreign policy like a white player and who is kicking our king’s butt.   Rather than do the hard work, our king simply declares victory and says anyone who does not agree is “coaching white,” while he blows the country up “playing black.”

And just like his b-ball game, the king can only go one way – his way.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
All the Obamacare supporters jumped in to support it while saying they had no idea what was in it or what it would cost. Today many of them still support the additional 19,000 pages written since then, and of course they still have no idea what is in it. Then the other side says they will defund it but they don't know what's in it either. Who knows? Businesses that's who. And they dropping it like a hot horse shoe. If I smell smoke in the house I don't need to see the fire to know I have a problem. Everyday businesses big and small are dropping their coverage which will allow the government to run it. That is enough for me. When it is private versus govt run I will take private every time. Anyone one person that says they know what is in it is a liar. Teams of private companies CPA's and lawyers know what is in it and how to break it down to be assessed. We are in trouble with Obamacare.