Monday, September 30, 2013

Notes on the budget battle

Republican Spines?
Are Republicans growing a spine?  No.  I doubt it.  It doesn’t matter how strong a hand they have, they are always personally too weak to play it.  But it is clear they are trying to extract something from the King before going limp, assuming a supine position and caving to his demands.

Fund the government one day at a time
Pat Buchannan suggested the Republicans stand strong on stripping Robertscare from the budget.  He suggests that the Republicans send individual funding bills to the senate for votes.  So on day one they send over a bill to fund the military, day two fund the VA, day three Social Security etc. etc.  This, I believe will put the Dopes and our King in an untenable position.  They will have to vote day in and day out on critical funding.  What will they do?  Idunno.  If they vote yes, the government gets funded without Robertscare.  If they vote no, who will be to blame for the government shut down?  Clearly the Dopes.  This has the added advantage of cutting waste.  When these things are broken down to essential funding, they can strip out all of the BS.

Who is at fault?
Also, it seems to me that there isn’t enough talk from the Republican on who has failed to fund the government now for over 1,000 days.  That would be the creepy Harry the roach Reid.  The Republicans should be making the point that we wouldn’t be here if Harry the roach had bothered to do what the law requires – pass a budget.

Robertscare will collapse of its own weight
For the nervous Nellys who think the best policy is to do nothing and let Robertscare fail under its own weight and waste, Rush Limbaugh asks the key question, “When has that ever worked?”  Every time the Ponzy scheme known as Social Security begins to fail, the government comes along and props it up at great cost to taxpayers for another 10 or so years.  The latest effort to prop up SS is called amnesty for illegal aliens.  The same is true of Medicare and Medicaid.  The government cannot make any of these “signature” programs work, but we are supposed to believe fourth time is the charm and Robertscare will work splendidly.  BS.

Love note to Republi-Rat Coats
After the vote on cloture of the house bill striping Robertscare, I wasted some time and sent a love note to my Republi-Rat Senator Dan Coats:

Senator Coats:

Main point up front:
I’m done with you.  I will NEVER pull the lever for you in another election – NEVER.  I didn’t vote for you in your primary.  I preferred a fresh face who hadn’t - for years on end - participated in running the country deeper and deeper into debt while piling one unsustainable government program on top of another.

Supporting evidence:
Your decision to stand with the loathsome, despicable, lying, and - I truly believe - senile mean old bastard Harry Reid over Ted Cruz tears it for me and tells me everything I need to know about you.  You are a worthless coward.

Gratuitous name calling:
You and the other worthless cowards in the Washington D.C. ruling class elite may think the fight is over and are willing to lie down – but only after you are done lining your pockets with every dime you can loot for yourself from the treasury.  I am not. Spineless, weak weasels like you are precisely why most Americans would rather welcome an AIDS inflicted leper with suicidal tendencies and time bomb strapped to their back and with a bad case of the deadly Guanarito virus into their home before a member of congress.

Complimentary close:
Strong letter to follow.

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