Monday, September 23, 2013

The Catholic Church is the most positive thing going on in the world today

Pope Francis came out and said that the Catholic Church should stop obsessing over abortion, birth control and gays.  The left went nuts for our Pope. Chris Rock said the Pope may be the greatest man alive, or some such thing.  Some dope at MSNBC said he may start going to mass again.

There in lies the problem.  The Pope’s pronouncements are hailed by people who do not read or know anything about the Pope or Catholics in general.  This Pope, among other, has expressed that the Catholic Church is a positive option.  It is not the church of “you shall not…”  It feeds more people word wide with compassion than all of the governments of the world.  It educates, clothes, houses and cares for more of the world’s sick than all of the governments.

That’s pretty positive stuff.  But the Catholic Church is bad - no, its terrible - about spreading the news about all of its good deeds.  So, you don’t read much about that stuff.  Also the lapdogs have no interest in spreading the news.  That's because, just like they love to trash conservatives, the lapdog media love to trash the Catholic Church.  The lapdogs love to trash Catholics so much that it has been said in more than one place that Catholics are the one group in America that it’s OK to trash.

What is missed in Francis’ proclamation is that it did not change one thing.  Not even the Catholic Church’s position on those issues.

If you asked Chris Rock or the MSNBC lemming the primary mission of the Catholic Church is, I’ll bet they don’t even get close.  For all the good the church does in the areas mentioned above, that’s not its mission.  Neither is it the mission of the church to condemn godless human behavior.  The mission of the Catholic Church is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  So if Chris Rock and the MSNBC dope ever bothered to stop by and listen what goes on in church on any given Sunday, they’d discover a pretty positive agenda.

I’ve been going to mass my entire life and cannot recall but one homily where the priest condemned anyone.  Now that’s not say they don’t teach right from wrong.  It’s wrong to steal.  Don’t do it.  It’s wrong to kill the unborn.  Don’t do it.  It’s wrong to mess with God’s plan with regard to human reproduction.  Don’t do it.  If you’re sitting there listening to one of those homilies and you’ve been involved in one of those activities, it may sound as if you’re being condemned personally.

These homilies usually, generally, almost always end with the power of God’s forgiveness.  No matter how badly you screw up, you cannot screw up badly enough not to be forgiven – if you ask. That’s pretty powerful and positive stuff.

I guess that’s one area where Catholics get into trouble.  Confession is a Catholic ritual not shared among other religions.  If I snitch and candy bar, why can’t I go and say three Hail Mary’s and an Our Father and be done with it?  Because, you first have to admit your sin.  Then you have to be genuinely sorry for it.  Then correct the sin.  Then do a penance.

So if you went to the store gave back the candy bar or paid for it, made a genuine apology and then did the penance you would be on stronger ground.  But you can’t just pray while eating the stolen candy bar and expect that it’s OK.  Also one bedrock of Catholic confession is found in John 20:23.  Jesus told his disciples, “Those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; those whose sins you retain, they are retained."

Jeez, how did we get down that rabbit hole?   Anyhoo, Francis said that the church is like a triage.  You shouldn’t worry about the splinter in man’s finger when he has sucking chest wound (I paraphrase).  Nothing much has changed except perspective.  If the left wing lemmings spent more time in church or reading about it or educated themselves about what the church does day in and day out, they wouldn’t be surprised by Francis’ words in his latest interview. 

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