Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ghosts rise as Middle East spirals into turmoil

If you want a project to fail, put an idiot in charge of it.  Take the Iraq Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) for example.  With US forces under Gen Petraeus turning the tide and in firm control of Iraq, King SFB put dolt Slow Joe Biden in charge of getting that SOFA done as SFB rushed to get out Iraq for political reasons.  Guess what?  It didn’t get done.  As a result of dumbazz Biden’s failure, Syrian backed al Qaeda forces are now on the march in Iraq.  Syria, a Russian, Iranian client state, is of course another colossal SFB failure.

ASIDE:  You might recall two blasts and garden variety slap Biden was put in charge of ensuring stimulus money wasn’t wasted.  When that fiasco was done we learned from King SFB that “shovel ready” jobs weren’t as “shovel ready as we thought.”  Everyone laughed.  A trillion bucks down the crapper and King SFB and his acolytes are chuckling at their utter incompetence.  A trillion dollars and the only thing to show for it is a bunch of federally mandated signs on the side of the road proclaiming the safety cones by the potholes you’re driving over are a result of King SFB’s stimulus program.

ASIDE II:  Syria you might know is led by well known “reformer” Basshar Assad.  The world’s smartest woman who left the White House dead broke and thinks Lincoln beat Douglas in the IL senate race of 1858 famously used her “smart power” to call the mass murdering Assad a “reformer.”  Here’s another interesting fact.  Until the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913 which allowed for the popular election of senators, they were elected by state legislators.   Given the composition of the senate today, we ought to repeal the 17th Amendment.  Could we do any worse?

Where were we?  Oh yeah, Iraq.  So King SFB put’s his court jester in charge of negotiating a SOFA with Iraq.  Predictably, America’s most notorious buffoon fails, miserably.  Today, like everything else SFB has touched, Iraq is in chaos.  All of the blood and treasure that were poured into Iraq in order to oust a tyrant and nurture a Middle East representative government appear to be for nothing.

It’s not just Iraq though.  The entire region is spiraling out of control.  Basshar Assad is using chlorine gas on his people while SFB claims 99% of Syrian chemical weapons have been accounted for.   That's little comfort to current victims of Assad's "legal" gas attacks.  The Syrians are supporting al Qaeda in Iraq.  In addition to backing Assad, Iranians continue their steady march toward nuclear weapons.  Pakistan, a nuclear state, is in turmoil with an active insurgency of their own.  Egypt remains unstable.  Israel has been more or less left to fend for themselves.  That is a good thing lest they end up like the rest of our friends in the region, led along with assurances of support then abandoned.

While all of this is going down, wannabe generals in the Pentagon soak up their perks, remain quietly in line watching from cushy chairs in paneled offices as America’s enemies make unprecedented gains, while our allies get pilloried, as well as China's and Russia's rapid re-militarization while our own military gets gutted.

I remind them of a real general’s words at West Point:

“The long gray line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts in olive drab, in brown khaki, in blue and gray, would rise from their white crosses, thundering those magic words: Duty, Honor, Country.”
Real General MacArthur’s Farewell Address at West Point 1962

Sadly, I see ghosts rising.

ASIDE III:  Gen MacArthur would not be permitted to address students on any college campus in King SFB’s America.

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