Friday, June 06, 2014

Will Bergdahl's pre-existing Stockholm syndrome be covered under Robertscare?

There’s talk that perhaps Bergdahl was a victim of Stockholm syndrome.  The Stockholm syndrome is where hostages and other captives after long periods of captivity begin to sympathize with their captors sometimes even joining their cause.

I don’t buy that BS in Bergdahal’s case.  Why?  Well the little excrement smear joined them.  He wasn’t captured or taken hostage.  He sought the Taliban out.  So Bergdahl must have undergone the Stockholm syndrome BEFORE he ever left camp.  Now that would be weird wouldn’t it?   That’s a kind of a reverse Stockholm syndrome - an American soldier securely in midst of American soldiers takes on the ideology of the enemy under no pressure whatsoever to so.

Fox news is also reporting that Bergdahl made 5 attempts to escape the Taliban after voluntarily joining them.  That sounds more like buyers remorse than a heroic act to me.  Sort of like a guy who joins a bank robbery crew for the money but freaks out when people start getting shot during the robbery.   The crew gets back to the hideout.  After getting his share of the hold up money the guy declares he’s done with the crew and tries to leave.  The crew has other ideas and rules about the comings and goings of its members.

I waited for Charles Krauthammer to make this point on the all star round table last night, but he never did.  It must be a seriously flawed theory in some way.  But until someone explains away the seemingly preexisting Stockholm syndrome in Bergdahl, I remain of the mind that he’s not just a deserter, he’s a defector.

Evidence?  Where are the day to day updates of Bergdahl’s health?  Berdahl’s “failing health” was the main reason for swapping 5 Islamo-Terror-Fascist generals for the worthless speck.  Why no reports on how near death’s door Bergdahl really was?   We always get these nearly hourly updates on the medical conditions of people injured in big news stories.  Not a word on Bergdahl.  Why?
There’s only one answer, he’s not sick or injured in any significant way.  That news would be the iceberg that rips a huge hole through the hull of King SFB’s BS ship of lies about his latest mess.  So don’t expect anything any time soon.  Maybe in two or three years we’ll learn that Bergdahl was in perfect health when he was turned over.  But what difference at that point would it make?  Dude!  That was, like, two years ago!

Besides, does anyone else find it ironic that SFB is concerned about the health of a defector while his own VA is killing veterans by the score to ensure some cheesy bonuses for themselves?  Since when did SFB take an interest in the health of military people?

King SFB pulled this stunt for political purposes but had no idea – until, like everything else apparently, reading about it in the papers – that it would blow up in his Alfred E. Newman look-a-like face.  SFB thought he’d be hailed a hero for bring home a defector at great expense.  Wrong.  The whole mess was pretext for closing G’itmo.  After all, if we can turn the 5 most dangerous people incarcerated there loose for a defector, what sense does it make to hold anyone left there?   We should trade whole bunch for a couple of goats and one of those cool hats they wear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin....
Seeing King Liar SFB walking the American Cemetery at Normandy reminded me of 2007 when he running for office and he was asked why he did not wear a lapel pin of the US flag on his lapel. He said he did not need to do that to prove he was a patriotic American. Okay. I take that for face value. The following week he was wearing one and has ever since. Optics. He is all optics, and 100% political. Today he saw the marble crosses earned with true and honor and distinction. Not the Susan Rice/Bergdahl faux kind of honor. Not the Rose Garden victory lap BS distinction with Taliban sympathizing parents. King SFB cannot know who he really is. He is a Gumby stretched to be invisible. No conviction, no direction, and too vanilla to be called vanilla. I wish he had not been to Normandy today. He cannot contribute to what they did. Only desecrate it.