Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You know what's irritating?

Condescending and smug liberals:  You know the type, while the situation at home and around the world goes to $h!t, the condescending and smug dumbazzes twist logic like a Twizzler to protect their Dear Leader.  This category includes the lapdog media, Hollywood swells, and everybody who should be able to see what’s going on and say, “WTF?” but don't.

Chief among these kind of people are the twin ditzes the StateDep uses as spokespeople.  Maria Harf is the idiot with smart girl glasses who claimed that the clueless A-holes at state knew more about why defector Bergdahl left his post to joint the Taliban than his platoon mates.  Jan Psaki is the idiot who really thinks hashtags ARE diplomacy.  Like the rest of their condescending and smug travelers, the arrogance of these two is stunning.  They have to know King SFB is a total 100% disgrace.  It does not matter these two and the rest as long as their agenda is moving along in the direction they want.  

Stupid condescending and smug liberals:  This category includes anyone who goes along with category one above to get along.  They are just too stupid or too lazy to read or listen to anything that might cast doubt on the greatness of the worst chief executive this country has EVER had.  These are the clueless dolts repeating talking points on every single issue.  There’s not one thing King SFB has even come close to fouling up.  They will not even accept that King SFB lied about “if you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.  Period.”  They are too stupid for the truth.  They are like the wife confronted with pictures of her husband in bed with another woman and insists the person showing her the picture is a racist for doing so.

Stupid condescending and smug liberal millennial “men”:  Perhaps the most irritating group of all.  These are the know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing dopes that came out from their moms’ basements in droves to vote for King SFB - twice.  This is the group that collectively cannot run a chainsaw, catch a fish, drive a nail, change a flat or perform any of a thousand tasks that men of one generation ago learned by watching and helping dad or another man in their lives.  Think pajama boy.
The good news is that this group has screwed themselves.  They are the exact ones who will inherit King SFB’s debt.  But they won’t have a job to pay for it.  They are saddled with 17 trillion in debt and no realistic way of paying it off.  They are saddled with the crappiest music ever.  They are saddled with crappiest clothes and styles ever.  Thanks to CAFE standards and their slavish adherence to the gospel of global warming, cooling, climate change, climate disruption or whatever other BS euphemisms they’ve come up for this scam, they are saddled with the crappiest cars ever.

They question nothing.  Except for the centrally provided talking points they can effectively argue nothing.  Anyone who challenges their BS ideas is simply dismissed as a racist, homophobe, misogynist. They march in total lock-step across America’s campuses and in the coffee house where they spend their weekly allowance provided by mom or the American taxpayer.

Stupid condescending and smug liberal millennial “Women” are exempt from the group because women are nurturing souls by nature and are expected to vote for the man who’ll give them the most free stuff.  That is why Ann Coulter is for repealing the 19th Amendment which gave women the right to vote.

Condescending smug conservatives:  These are the Glenn Beck types who vow not support anyone who does not meet 100% of their standards.  These are the 2 million smug asses that voted for McCain but didn’t come out for Romney because Romney was Mormon, or too rich, or not conservative enough or because they thought it didn’t make a difference.  Well it does make a difference.  Grow up.  Do what’s best for the country, even if not’s the perfect solution in your own mind.

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