Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What if McClellan had been elected in 1864?

Glenn Beck is at it again.  He’s declared the left libs were right in their opposition to the Iraq war from the beginning.  What left libs?  He does not say.  Shrildabeast, Cambodian War hero Kerry, the roach Reid, Chuckles Schumer, John piss on my dying wife Edwards, slow Joe Biden and 23 other Dopes in the senate al  voted for the Iraq War Resolution.  So exactly what great left Lib Dopes is Beck talking about when he says, “You were right”?  Public opinion for taking out Saddam Hussein was at about 70% at the time.  It took the roach and their lapdog media two years to drive that number down.  So Beck cannot be talking about those great left Lib thinkers.

The Iraq intervention was NOT a mistake.  Electing a know-nothing, do-nothing, be-nothing affirmative action pass through piss ant to see it through was the mistake.

Beck and others must think that leaving Saddam to his own devices would not have caused us any problems over the last 11 years.  That scenario is as unlikely as the Cubs sweeping the Word Series this fall.

We’ve been down this road before.  During the election of 1864, Lincoln was on the ropes because of the protracted Civil War.  His opponent, George McClellan, personally supported the war but ran under the Dope platform of “suing for peace.”  Had Sherman not crushed the rebels at Atlanta, Lincoln’s reelection could have been in serious doubt.

How did Atlanta come about?  Well, after suffering through a long line union generals – including McClellan - more interested in preserving the Army of the Potomac than fighting rebels, Lincoln settled upon Gen Grant to take the fight to the South.

Grant’s strategy during his Overland Campaign was to bleed Lee and the South dry.  His orders for Gen Meade were simple enough “Wherever Lee goes, there you will go also.”  Grant impressed upon Sherman that he believed that the Civil War would only end when the Confederacy's strategic, economic, and psychological capacity to wage war was broken.  Atlanta was an off-shoot of Grant’s overarching strategy to make the South howl.

We had the exact same thing going in Iraq.  A bad situation was turned around by Gen Petraeus (Bush’s Grant) and the surge (Grant’s Overland Campaign).  If there was an Atlanta it was probably the battle for Fallujah.  By the time the 2008 election rolled around Patraeus had metaphorically arrived in Savannah. The Iraqi insurgents were broken.

But instead of reelecting Lincoln (in our case McCain), we hired a dope smoking loser to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  That was the big mistake in the Iraq War, Glenn. 

The Iraq War, like nearly all American wars, was/is a noble cause.  Like all wars, it was not perfectly managed.  Like all American wars, the American fighting men performed superbly.  Like some recent American wars, they were sold out by seditious politicians almost always and exclusively from the Dope side.
It was not the Iraq war that was a mistake.  The mistake was ever thinking treasonous Dopes – most especially King SFB - could ever put the country ahead of their party and their own power.

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