Monday, April 30, 2018

Kim and the White House Correspondence ASSociation birds of a feather

I don’t know what’s more impressive, PDJT bringing Kim Jung Un to the mat, or exposing the White House Correspondence ASSociation for the bunch of azzbags that they are?  Both Kim and WHCASS are BS tyrants trying to destroy America, one from without and other from within.

While PDJT was rallying America in Washington, Michigan, the azzbag ASSociation had gathered to listen to some unknown (to me anyway) gutter “comedian” torch PDJT, his staff, America and life while cracking wise about abortion, sex lives, white people and just about anything else civilized people hold dear.  But hey, it’s comedy so it’s okay if it’s funny – right?  Well by most honest accounts, it wasn’t funny either.  So there’s that.   

Prediction:  My guess is that the WHCASS is doing a deep investigation this week.  PDJT has given them the finger from afar for the last two years, and because they are taking a considerable amount of heat for this year’s “show,” next year’s event – if there is one – will be billed as “different.” 

PDJT should continue to give them the finger.  They showed their true colors at this year’s event.  Anything they do next year will be – dare I say it – FAKE.

It’s nothing more than a liberal love fest.  Republicans ought to just stay away until the WHCASS runs for about 5 years without the vulgar BS. 

The left’s total lack of common decency was on display for all to see.

PDJT’s winning mid-term strategy
At his rally Sat, PDJT made news that I haven’t seen much made of.  PDJT said he’d close the government if there was no funding for the wall in September's budget deal. 

While Rat establishment Republicans are running around talking about tax cuts – as if “Look what I’ve done for you! Given you some of YOUR money back” – is winning platform for the mid-terms.

My advice to Republicans is to ride the Trump tiger.  The pictures of illegal aliens showing up, climbing a pathetic fence and then demanding asylum because they are “in danger” tell a powerful story about what total BS our border deterrence and immigration law is made up of.

Republicans ought to start ads today with the pictures of what is going on at the border and the BS laws - championed by Dopes - that allow it to happen.  

PDJT ought to give Mexico hell for what’s happening. They aided and abetted the criminals in their law breaking every step of the way. Mexico ought to be made to pay for the border debacle in some dramatic and public way.       

Saturday’s JG rant
Re Steven B. Gardner’s letter “Second Amendment serves to help foster violence” Apr 28, 2018

Contrary to Steven B. Gardner’s claim, I’ve been an NRA member most of my adult life, and I live in terror of exactly nothing.  It’s obvious that it is the gun grabber Liberals who live in a constant state of fear and terror.   They are afraid of everything from bovine flatulence to inanimate objects. 

Most of all, they fear freemen acting and thinking freely. Why do you suppose Liberals are so intent on shutting down debate on college campuses, the internet and this very page?  Liberals demand “safe spaces” where their asinine worldview cannot be challenged by reality.

Here’s the undeniable reality: Pure evil exists in this world.  If Gardner thinks for one second that his belief in God is going to change that, he’s wrong.

I question no one’s faith.  I will question their understanding of the Bible.  Belief in God is not enough protect believers from evil. Anyone who doubts that ought to look into the fate of 11 of 12 of Christ’s Apostles. 

Evil will always exist.  Repealing the Second Amendment will not change that. It will only make it easier for the evil to manifest itself.  It is exactly because evil will always exist that the first natural law of man is the right to self-defense.    

If Gardner wants to turn the other cheek while his family is assaulted in the middle of the night by a gang of thugs, I admire his faith for doing so, but I will not stand by and allow him and other virtue signaling moralist affect my ability to defend my family from evil in a more Old Testament fashion.    

Second Amendment serves to help foster violence
Members of the NRA seem like nice enough guys, but they live in absolute terror that some wild-eyed fanatic will jump out and shoot them. They have become exactly the fanatics they dread. All they can do is cling to their guns and mumble some mantra about the Second Amendment.
The real problem with guns is that they make it easy to kill people. A knife or a club requires some level of skill and strength. 
The real solution is to teach our children moral values. But do we teach them that they are accountable to God as well as other people? If they do not honor and respect God, how will they respect anyone? We would never want to expose a child to prayer or the Bible. Why that might cause a child to grow into a strong, well-mannered, disciplined person. 
We see the result of this disrespect for the wisdom of our past – people who cannot deal with their emotions in a constructive way, who have no place to turn when the world seems overwhelming, who have no respect for others and want everything for themselves. Such people cannot be trusted with guns.
The only intelligent thing to do is limit access to guns. Delay taking possession until a complete background check can be done. Include a psychological exam. Confiscate all guns not registered to the person holding the gun and arrest both the holder and the person who made the gun available to him. Allow incorporated towns and cities to limit the carrying of a gun in public.
But any intelligent action will trigger a hysterical fit. Perhaps it is time to repeal the Second Amendment. It seemed a wonderful idea at the time, but it no longer seems to serve any useful purpose. It even promotes the violence we seek to prevent. 
The only good news is that the 18-year-olds will be voting this year, and their younger classmates will be voting in subsequent years. I pray they will not stop until the gun lobby is overwhelmed by their wisdom.
Steven B. Gardner
New Haven

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