Tuesday, April 10, 2018

We don't need no stinkin' attorney-client privilage

So lemmeget this straight.  Shrillda the Hutt can take her lawyer into an FBI interrogation while the FBI raids the offices of PDJT’s lawyer.  To this untrained legal mind something seems amiss with that arrangement.  
Because I have continued my self-imposed partial news blackout, I did not know about this development until late last night.  When I finally got around to turning on Fox news, I heard this from Dan Bongino, “No one can withstand an FBI investigation that isn’t bound by a crime.  Mueller isn’t investigating a crime.  He’s investigating Donald Trump.” 
Pretty sure Lex has argued this point, though not as well.  No one could withstand an investigation conducted by the federal government with unlimited manpower, funds and time and not bound by an actual crime.  As Bongino put it, they’d eventually convict Mother Therese of something under such circumstances. 
No doubt Libs are ecstatic. Just like when Fitzpatrick sent Scooter Libby to jail after conducting an investigation into a crime he already knew who the perp was before it started.  The weirdest part of that was the azzbag perp – Richard the dick Armitage – and his incompetent/lying boss – Colin Powell – got off Scott free. 
Same here, there is actual no-sh*t evidence of collusion between the DNC, Shrillda the Hutt and the Clinton Foundation and the Russian government and yet not a single Dope or Clintonista has been rung up.
It’s as if Mueller has fast break on the way to an uncontested layup and pulls up to shoot from half court. The entire thing is Dope inspired BS. 
PDJT should issue a full pardon to Gen Flynn today.  Send a message to Mueller that he (PDJT) will undo everything Mueller tries to do.  And why do Strzok and Page still have jobs? 
The whole thing is abomination.  Yet Rat establishment Republicans still insist that Mueller be allowed to do his work.  Looking into what?  Until when? No one – particularly ReRs - ever says.  
CA is a sh*thole not a model for America
I thought that the incomparable Victor Davis Hanson, himself a Californian, would be the first to debunk the BS in the link in the post under of Mr. CA’s notion that the sh*thole state of CA should act as the model for the rest of the country, nay world, nay universe.  Turns out Wayne Allyn Root beat VDH to the punch with this truth bomb about just how FUBAR’d CA really is.  
I still look forward to VDH using his civil and easy manner as a velvet hammer of truth and reason to smash Mr. CA’s BS into tiny pieces.
Sarah Sanders leaves out one thing PDJT did to pee Vlad Putin off
When Sarah Sanders levels CNN’s whiny Jimmy Acosta in this piece she leaves out one big thing PDJT has done to push a sharp stick in Vlad Putin’s eye, “US troops annihilated more than 200 Russian ‘mercenaries’ allied with Assad and stupid enough to f*ck with American forces in Syria…”

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