Friday, April 13, 2018

Zuckerberg wow's by claiming not to know much or lying about facebook's practice of squashing conservative speech

No - I have no idea what to make of Zuckerberg’s appearance before congress except that old people are probably not the right guys to have asking the questions.  The best meme I’ve seen so far of the made for TV event had Chuck Grassly saying, “I just got this 5” floppy disc in the mail from a company called America on Line offering me 50 hours of free internet access.  Is that facebook?”

As Greg Gutfeld so accurately put it, the Zuckerberg hearing was the clearest proof yet that there need to be term limits so you do not have have a bunch people who came to congress before the telegraph asking a tech hipster about conservative voices being blocked on his interweb platform.    

Ignorance was only part of the problem though.  Another part of Zuckerberg problem hydra is that he throws so much cash around to the stooges on Capitol Hill the hearing was like having a bunch of 5 year olds question Santa Clause about elf labor two days before Christmas.  Sure the 5 year olds might be all for shutting down Santa’s forced elf labor scam but not until after they’ve already opened all of their presents.

There is little doubt that Zuck and Facebook are targeting conservatives for their demonetizing, speech chilling BS.  Lefty's b*tch,  "Well Lex come on, it’s free enterprise. Mr. Z can do whatever he wants."  No he cannot claim to be a company open to the public and then start to say, “Yeah sure we’re open to the public, but not that kind of public.”  You can’t open a bakery and refuse to allow homosexuals to come in to buy your cupcakes. 

So Libs complain, "AAAHAA you’re siding with the homosexuals against the bakery then."  No.  The homosexuals didn’t come in and ask to buy a cake off the shelf for their wedding.  The homosexuals demanded the baker bake them a special cake for their wedding.  He refused.  Just as I suppose he might refuse to bake a “God is Dead” cake for atheists. 

Zuck is essentially saying to the homosexuals, “You cannot use my platform like everyone else does because I don’t like your politics.”  In other words if Zuck was running the bakery, the homosexuals wouldn’t be allowed through the door.

In that sense I think Mr. Z lied his way through his unsworn testimony with a ton of Clintonesque, “I’ll have to have my staff get back to you on that one,” about why certain people – miraculously always of a conservative bent - are blocked and/or demonetized on facebook to just plain lying his scrawny azz off that he doesn’t believe conservative are “targeted” on facebook.

But give Mr. Z his due.  He’s perhaps the richest, most obsequious liar ever to testify.  He was exceeding polit and deferential to morons asking the question and they lapped it up. 

The really scary thing about Mr. Z’s testimony to me was promise to develop artificial intelligence to weed out “haet speech.”  I wonder who will be responsible for writing that code?  The exact same people who make up Facebook’s current team that decides which sites get blocked and demonetized.

But once Mr. Z can blame the procedure on the AI bots, like Pontius Pilot, he will claim that his hands are clean and that there is really nothing he can do if a supposedly non-judgmental robot decides that The People’s Cube and Diamond and Silk are hate groups and the NRA is indeed a terrorist organization.

That was the worst thing Z said in his testimony, the bots will be in charge.  The humans just have to go along with what they decide as if God or the Holy Spirit are going to be writing the code for the bots. 

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