Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Why is the Left so full of BS?

One of the Lefty Libs’ favorite tricks is portray conservatives as anti-science primarily because many happen to profess a faith in something that they cannot see or touch.  My contention is that it’s far easier to profess a faith in God than it is to have faith in Leftists policies ever working out the way the way Leftists say they will. 

But it turns out that it’s actually Lefty who are anti-science and not just in the field of political science.

Take abortion.  Who is on the side of science in that argument?  A 3D ultrasound (science) can produce an image of what is undeniably a baby.  When confronted with the image, who denies that what they are looking at is a baby?  Leftist.  The Leftists refrain for this dilemma is: Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?  

ASIDE:  Every prolife demonstration should consist largely of ultrasound photos.  Get rid of the crosses or at a minimum add to them.  It’s humanity not Christianity at stake here.  A picture in this case says 10,000 words.  

Take the second amendment.  Who is on the side of science in that argument?  Mathematics (science) can produce irrefutable evidence that as gun sales increase, violent crime decreases.  Who ignores the science and still wants to grab guns thereby making the streets less safe? Leftists.

Take global warming, cooling, change, disruption.  Who is on the side of science in that argument?  There is exactly zero scientific evidence that the Earth’s temperature have increased (or decreased for that matter) outside statistical norms over the last 40 years.  By many calculations the Earth is currently undergoing a cooling period.  Wait wat?  That’s right, but who ignores the science, manipulates the data and just plain makes sh*t up with regard to the planet warming?  Leftist. Who ignores the actually actual science of what is happening with regard to climate and instead insist “models” that have been manipulated to conform with leftists projections of impending global disaster be the only gage of man’s effect on the planet?  Leftists. 

Here is a brilliant piece of science that supposedly makes man’s puny impact on the planet easily understood.  I did get the point – it’ll take a long time and a lot of man- made energy to melt the polar icecap sufficiently to cause the kind of sea rise Leftist models predict – but still my eyes glassed over at the math (science) that proves that point.

Read the whole thing.  If you’re like Lex, read it 3-4 times and still leave shaking your head.  Apparently there is science out there that indicates it would take all of the energy produced by man on Earth 103,413 years to melt the ice in Antarctica. Fortunately not all of that heat - or even most of it - is ever going reach Antarctica.  It dissipates in the air stream is captured in our homes etc. Even if we all got together and decided that it was in our interest to melt the polar icecaps we could not do it.

But not to worry.  The icecaps get melted in 20 years in Leftists’ scientific models that ignore reality.   

JG Rant
No rant today.  Mrs. Lex says I’m doing twice the work and not getting a dime extra for the effort.  So subscription rates are doubling as of today.

No rant today because nothing in that rag interested me.

So why does Lex tilt at the JG windmill on a near daily basis?  Well like this page, I figure at least one person at the JG is reading the letter.  If they read 4-5 a week over a year maybe - like melting a glacier - a one mind begins to slowly change.

It also demonstrates the lengths to which Lefty Libs will go to protect their BS ideas.  I used to be fairly successful in getting letters published in the JG.  That fact drove one Thom Bauer nuts.  Last year he wrote a letter demanding that JG ban me from the letter section. Since the Parkland incident the JG has apparently taken Mr. Bauer’s advice.

The overlords at the JG have squashed Lex.  Why continue on?  Well to quote a great American, “Did we quit when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?”

I’ve always looked at this hobby as a mental exercise.  My dad used to work the daily crossword puzzle pretty much to the day he died as a mental exercise.  I gave it a try.  I found that I’m not very good it, but I can spew 300-1,000 words of BS in pretty short order.  So BS it is.  That way I avoid the embarrassment of MS. Lex finding the daily crossword on the kitchen table with about 10 clues filled in - that's on a good day - with half of those being misspelled so they fit.

To avoid the daily crossword I will continue to inflict myself on those who stumble across this page and the poor staffer at the JG who runs across my letters.  Also the Shawshank Redemption comes to mind.  How many letters did Andy send to the state before he got his library books?

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